jdtoscano94 / Hybrid-RL-GAN-Point_Cloud_Completion

Teeth Mold Point Cloud Completion Via Data Augmentation and Hybrid RL-GAN (Paper Code)
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Teeth Mold Point Cloud Completion Via Data Augmentation and Hybrid RL-GAN (Official Implementation)



Teeth scans are essential for many applications in orthodontics, where the teeth structures are virtualized to facilitate the design and fabrication of the prosthetic piece. Nevertheless, due to the limitations caused by factors such as viewing angles, occlusions, and sensor resolution, the 3D scanned point clouds (PCs) could be noisy or incomplete. Hence, a critical need is needed to enhance the teeth' quality to ensure a suitable dental treatment. Toward this end, we propose a systematic framework including a two-step data augmentation (DA) technique to augment the limited teeth PCs and deep hybrid learning (DL) method to complete the incomplete PCs. For the two-step DA, we first mirror and combine the PCs based on the bilateral symmetry of the human teeth and then augment the PCs based on an iterative generative adversarial network (GAN). Two filters are designed to avoid the outlier and duplicated PCs during the DA. For the hybrid DL, we first use a deep autoencoder (AE) to represent the PCs. Then, we propose a hybrid approach that selects the best completion to the teeth PCs from AE and a reinforcement learning (RL) agent-controlled GAN. An ablation study is performed to analyze each component's contribution. We compared our method with other benchmark methods, including point cloud network (PCN), cascaded refinement network (CRN), and variational relational point completion network (VRC-Net). We demonstrated that the proposed framework is suitable for completing teeth PCs with good accuracy over different scenarios.



Paper: https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/computingengineering/article/23/4/041008/1155799/Teeth-Mold-Point-Cloud-Completion-Via-Data
