jdum / odfdo

python library for OpenDocument format (ODF)
Apache License 2.0
48 stars 11 forks source link


Python library for OpenDocument format (ODF)


odfdo is a Python3 library implementing the ISO/IEC 26300 OpenDocument Format standard.

Project: https://github.com/jdum/odfdo

Author: jerome.dumonteil@gmail.com

License: Apache License, Version 2.0

odfdo is a derivative work of the former lpod-python project.


Installation from Pypi (recommended):

pip install odfdo

Installation from sources (requiring setuptools):

pip install .

After installation from sources, you can check everything is working (some requirements: pytest, Pillow, ...):


The tests should run for a few seconds or minutes and issue no error.


from odfdo import Document, Paragraph

doc = Document('text')
doc.body.append(Paragraph("Hello world!"))


'Intended Audience :: Developers'


There is no detailed documentation or tutorial, but:

When installing odfdo, a few scripts are installed:

About styles: the best way to apply style is by merging styles from a template document into your generated document (See odfdo-styles script). Styles are a complex matter in ODF, so trying to generate styles programmatically is not recommended.


odfdo is intended to facilitate the generation of ODF documents, nevertheless a basic knowledge of the ODF format is necessary.

ODF document rendering can vary greatly from software to software. Especially the "styles" of the document allow an adaptation of the rendering for a particular software.

The best (only ?) way to apply style is by merging styles from a template document into your generated document. However a few recipes show how to make programmatically some basic styles: create_basic_text_styles, add_text_span_styles).

Related project

I you work on .ods files (spreadsheet), you may be interested by these scripts using this library to parse/generate .ods files: https://github.com/jdum/odsgenerator and https://github.com/jdum/odsparsator

Changes from former lpod library

lpod-python was written in 2009-2010 as a Python 2.x library, see: https://github.com/lpod/lpod-python

odfdo is an adaptation of this former project. odfdo main changes from lpod: