jeanbmar / payload-s3-upload

Send Payload CMS uploads to Amazon S3
MIT License
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payload payload-plugin payloadcms s3 storage

Upload files to S3 in Payload CMS

This plugin sends uploaded files to Amazon S3 instead of writing them to the server file system.
Resized images are properly supported.

Why should I use this module?

Payload team supports an official cloud storage plugin, different from this one.

The main difference is that this plugin allows configuring collection logic on the collection itself.

Payload implementation requires to define collection-specific stuff from plugins inside the global payload configuration file, which is (imho) bad design.


npm install payload-s3-upload --legacy-peer-deps

Payload requires legacy-peer-deps because of conflicts on React and GraphQL dependencies (see Payload docs).

Getting Started

Enable plugin in Payload CMS config

import { S3Client } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3';
import { buildConfig } from 'payload/config';
import s3Upload from 'payload-s3-upload';

export default buildConfig({
  // ...
  plugins: [
    s3Upload(new S3Client({
      region: process.env.AWS_REGION,
      credentials: {
        accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_KEY,
        secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET,

Configure your upload collections

import { S3UploadCollectionConfig } from 'payload-s3-upload';

const Media: S3UploadCollectionConfig = {
  slug: 'media',
  upload: {
    staticURL: '/assets',
    staticDir: 'assets',
    disableLocalStorage: true,
    s3: {
      bucket: 'my-bucket',
      prefix: 'images/xyz', // files will be stored in bucket folder images/xyz
      // prefix: ({ doc }) => `assets/${doc.type}`, // dynamic prefixes are possible too
      commandInput: {
        // optionally, use here any valid PutObjectCommandInput property
        ACL: 'public-read',  
    adminThumbnail: ({ doc }) =>
  // create a field to access uploaded files in s3 from payload api
  fields: [
      name: 'url',
      type: 'text',
      access: {
        create: () => false,
      admin: {
        disabled: true,
      hooks: {
        afterRead: [
          ({ data: doc }) =>

export default Media;

Recipe for handling different sizes

This plugin automatically uploads image variants in S3.

However, in order to retrieve correct URLs for the different sizes in the API, additional hooks should be implemented.

import { S3UploadCollectionConfig } from 'payload-s3-upload';

const Media: S3UploadCollectionConfig = {
  slug: 'media',
  upload: {
    // ...
    imageSizes: [
        name: 'thumbnail',
        width: 400,
        height: 300,
        crop: 'center'
        name: 'card',
        width: 768,
        height: 1024,
        crop: 'center'
        name: 'tablet',
        width: 1024,
        height: null,
        crop: 'center'
    adminThumbnail: 'thumbnail',
  hooks: {
    afterRead: [
      ({ doc }) => {
        // add a url property on the main image
        doc.url = `${myBucketUrl}/${doc.filename}`

        // add a url property on each imageSize
          .forEach(k => doc.sizes[k].url = `${myBucketUrl}/${doc.sizes[k].filename}`)
  fields: []

export default Media;

Working Example

Please refer to the test files!