jeanlescure / react-deploy-to-s3-action

๐Ÿ”„ GitHub Action to build a React.js app and sync to a remote S3 bucket ๐Ÿงบ
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React arrow pointing right towards S3 Bucket

React Deploy to S3 Github Action

Build a React.js web app and sync to an AWS S3 repository

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This action runs the equivalent of this oversimplified example:

$ yarn
$ yarn build
$ aws s3 sync public s3://
 # Optionally
$ aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id XYZ --paths /\*

With the previous in mind:

1- Make sure there is a build script in your package.json. 2- Place in your .github/workflows directory a .yml similar to the following:

name: Upload Website

    - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@main
    - uses: jeanlescure/react-deploy-to-s3-action@main
        args: --acl public-read --follow-symlinks --delete
        NODE_ENV: development # optional: defaults to production
        AWS_S3_BUCKET: ${{ secrets.AWS_S3_BUCKET }}
        AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
        AWS_REGION: us-west-1 # optional: defaults to us-east-1
        SOURCE_DIR: bundle # optional: defaults to public


The following settings must be passed as environment variables as shown in the example. Sensitive information, especially AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, should be set as encrypted secrets โ€” otherwise, they'll be public to anyone browsing your repository's source code and CI logs.

Key Value Suggested Type Required Default
NODE_ENV This environment variable is commonly used by the web packager to select the appropriate variables for the environment you will deploy to env No production
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Your AWS Access Key. More info here. secret env Yes N/A
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Your AWS Secret Access Key. More info here. secret env Yes N/A
AWS_S3_BUCKET The name of the bucket you're syncing to. For example, or my-app-releases. secret env Yes N/A
AWS_REGION The region where you created your bucket. Set to us-east-1 by default. Full list of regions here. env No us-east-1
AWS_S3_ENDPOINT The endpoint URL of the bucket you're syncing to. Can be used for VPC scenarios or for non-AWS services using the S3 API, like DigitalOcean Spaces. env No Automatic ( or AWS's region-specific equivalent)
SOURCE_DIR The yarn build output directory you wish to sync/upload to S3. env No public
DEST_DIR The directory inside of the S3 bucket you wish to sync/upload to. For example, my_project/assets. Defaults to the root of the bucket. env No / (root of bucket)
CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION_ID If you include a CloudFront Distribution Id using this variable, the action will run aws cloudfront create-invalidation for the wildcard path *, meaning it will completely flush the cache (Note: AWS considers this a single invalidation even though it affects all files in the distribution) so that the new changes synced to S3 are available immediately. secret env No N/A



This project is distributed under the Apache-2.0 license.