jeanne-s / Patchscopes

Implementation of the Patchscopes paper (arXiv:2401.06102)
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🩺 Patchscopes: A Unifying Framework for Inspecting Hidden Representations of Language Models

Re-implementation of the Patchscopes paper (arXiv:2401.06102, official implementation).


Patchscopes is a tool for inspecting hidden representations of transformer models.

For decoding what is encoded in a given representation (for instance, the CEO token in the figure under) activations from a source prompt (Amazon's forer CEO attended Oscars) are patched in a target prompt(cat->cat; 135->135; hello->hello; ?). The target prompt is designed with few-shot examples of token repetitions to encourage decoding the token identity given a hidden representation.


See attribute_extraction.ipynb for a demo on how to run the code.

Source prompt: Amazon's former CEO attended Oscars\ Source token: CEO\ Target prompt: cat->cat; 135->135; hello->hello; ?->


Reproduction of Experiments From Language Models Implement Simple Word2Vec-style Vector Arithmetic

Language Models Implement Simple Word2Vec-style Vector Arithmetic study the mechanisms through which LLMs recall information (see Figure 7).

Abstractive tasks involve recalling a token that does not appear in the context, such as in:

A: Mogadishu
Q: What is the capital of Poland?

The authors provide evidence that transformers recall tokens that do not appear in the context through 3 stages of processing:

  1. Argument Formation (A): the model represents the argument to the desired relation in the residual stream (the ‘Poland’ in get_capital(Poland)) - Layers 9-17
  2. Function Application (B): the model switches from the argument to the output of the function (the ‘Warsaw’ in Warsaw= get_capital(Poland)) - Layer 18
  3. Saturation (C): the model recognizes it has solved the next token and ceases updating the representation - Layers 19-22

Here on gpt2-medium:

Extractive tasks, on the contrary, require finding a token that does appear in context, such as in:

The capital of Poland is Warsaw.
Q: What is the capital of Somalia?
A: Mogadishu
Q: What is the capital of Poland?

The extractive tasks immediately saturates.

Here on gpt2-medium: