jeboehm / docker-mailserver

Docker Mailserver based on the famous ISPMail guide
MIT License
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Docker network(s) after deployment #280

Open cmonty14 opened 10 months ago

cmonty14 commented 10 months ago

Hi, after deploying docker-mailserver (with command bin/ up -d) a new network is created: mailserver_default

❯ docker network ls                                                                                                           
NETWORK ID     NAME                 DRIVER    SCOPE                                                                           
86235ef7b8bc   bridge               bridge    local                                                                           
b1f6d45755ab   host                 host      local                                                                           
96c432d2189a   mailserver_default   bridge    local                                                                           
7cf09da07363   none                 null      local

In addition I deployed unboud and configured it as recursive server. DNS using unbound works as expected.

Question: Do I need to connect unbound to network "mailserver_default"? (Currently unbound is connected to network "bridge".)