jech / galene-ldap

LDAP support for the Galene videoconferencing server
MIT License
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galene jwt ldap

Galene-ldap: LDAP integration for the Galene videoconferencing server.

For more information about Galene, please see

  1. Build galene-ldap

    CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags='-s -w'

  2. Create galene-ldap.json

There are two ways to perform client authentication using LDAP: using the BIND request or matching passwords on the client side. Using BIND is recommended.

In order to use BIND, your galene-ldap.json should look like this:

  "httpAddress": ":8444",
  "ldapServer": "ldap://localhost:389",
  "ldapBase": "ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org",
  "key": {"alg":"HS256","k":"xxx","key_ops":["sign","verify"],"kty":"oct"},
  "groups": ["test-auth"],

The field groups indicates the set of Galene groups that galene-ldap will authorise; you will also need to configure these groups on the Galene side (see below).

The field key should be a (private or shared) key in JWK format; You can generate a shared key using:

jose jwk gen -i '{"kty":"oct","alg":"HS256"}' -o shared.jwk

and a private/public keypair using

jose jwk gen -i '{"kty":"EC","alg":"ES256"}' -o private.jwk
jose jwk pub -i private.jwk -o public.jwk

In order to use client-side matching, set the field ldapClientSideValidate to true, and define a privileged user with access to the passwords using the fields ldapAuthDN and ldapAuthPassword:

  "httpAddress": ":8444",
  "ldapServer": "ldap://localhost:389",
  "ldapBase": "ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org",
  "ldapClientSideValidate": true,
  "ldapAuthDN": "cn=admin,dc=yunohost,dc=org",
  "ldapAuthPassword": "xxx",
  "key": {"alg":"HS256","k":"xxx","key_ops":["sign","verify"],"kty":"oct"},
  "groups": ["test-auth"],
  1. Provide a TLS server certificate

    cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/ key.pem cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/ cert.pem

  2. Run galene-ldap

    nohup ./galene-ldap -debug &

  3. Configure a group in Galene

Create a file groups/test-auth.json with the following contents:

    "authServer": "",
    "authKeys": [

The authServer field is the URL at which you instance of galene-ldap is publicly accessible (it is okay to put it behind a reverse proxy). The authKeys field is a list of keys, and must include the key used by galene-ldap (or at least its public part, if you're using asymmetric keying).

Configuration file reference

The galene-ldap.json file may contain the following fields:

-- Juliusz Chroboczek