jed326 / CoronaBot

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Discord Bot for Tracking COVID-19


Clone this repository:

git clone

Then install it:

npm install

Add your bot token to a new file auth.json, in this format:

    "token": "your-token-here"

Lastly, run the main.js file

node main.js


Commands Function Data Source
!help Show help message.
!cases Displays the worldwide case number.
!source Links the sources for the bot and the source code.
!corona US or !US Number of cases in the US. covidtracking
!coronacountry Number of cases in country. JHU
!coronastate Number of cases in state. 2 Letter state codes work here as well. covidtracking
!coronacounty, state Number of cases in country. JHU
!coronaregion, country Number of cases in country. Only has region data for certain countries. JHU
!history US Returns graph of history of cases in the US Covidtracking
!historystate Returns graph of history cases in state. Accepts multiple states as arguments. Use state codes. Covidtracking

Data sources


There are some pretty hack and wack stuff in here. Like parsing the JHU data straight from github. Also we don't control the data and often times covidtracking and JHU don't have the same numbers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯