jedalong / wildlifeTG

R Package for Time Geographic Analysis of Wildlife Tracking Data
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wildlifeTG: Time Geographic Home Range Analysis

Methods for performing time geographic home range analysis as described in the papers:

Long, J.A. (2018) Modelling movement probabilities within heterogeneous spatial fields. Journal of Spatial Information Science. Accepted: 2017-12-18.

Long, J.A., Webb, S.L., Nelson, T.A., Gee, K. (2015) Mapping areas of spatial-temporal overlap from wildlife telemetry data. Movement Ecology. 3:38.

Long, J.A., Nelson, T.A. (2015) Home range and habitat analysis using dynamic time geography. Journal of Wildlife Management. 79(3): 481-490.

Nelson, T.A., Long, J.A., Laberee, K., Stewart, B.P. (2015) A time geographic approach for delineating areas of sustained wildlife use. Annals of GIS. 21(1): 81-90.

Long, J.A., Nelson, T.A. (2012) Time geography and wildlife home range delineation. Journal of Wildlife Management. 76(2): 407-413.



Quick demo

Calculate a quick PPA home range and compare with points:


data(m3)                      #Caribou tracking data

#PPA home range
hr1 <- dynppa(m3)
hr2 <- dynppa(m3,method='vanderWatt')


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2


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