jedda / OSX-Monitoring-Tools

A collection of scripts and tools to assist in monitoring Mac OS X and essential services with Nagios.
The Unlicense
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This repository has been archived and it's use is discouraged. I haven't looked at this code in a very long time.

Mac OS X Monitoring Tools

A collection of scripts and tools to assist in monitoring Mac OS X and essential services with Nagios.

Overviews and use cases for a lot of these can be found in posts at my site:


Some of the features of these scripts include:

These scripts and tools were specifically designed to be dependency free, so in the case of all but one or two, they will run on a stock Mac OS X client/server system from 10.4+ onwards. Most of them are pure BASH, with a few Obj-C exceptions that will need to be compiled prior to use.

Support & Feedback:

The project's Issues Tracker is the best place to let me know of any specific issues or bugs that you find. I am more than happy to chat about ideas on integrating these scripts into your environment - feel free to send me an email (, or contact me with iMessage or AIM (


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain - see LICENSE (

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