jeff1evesque / interview-twitter

Least Common Ancestor
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Least Common Ancestor

I had an interactive interview with Twitter, and was given 15 minutes to write-up something that determined the least-common-ancestor for a binary search tree. I am adjusting what I did for them -- but, feel free to use or improve what I have.

Least Common Ancestor, written in Python


Suppose we let T be a rooted tree with n nodes. The lowest common ancestor between two nodes v and w is defined as the lowest node in T that has both v and w as descendants.


This application will prompt users whether they want to input values interactively, or use a default file to import values. The default import file is currently called input.txt.

Input file

The values in the input.txt file must follow a special format:

root = [7]
tree = [23, 1, 14, 53, 22]
lca = [14, 53]

where root must be a list containing just one value (root of the binary search tree), tree an unordered list of values (remaining part of the binary search tree), and lca which must only contain two node values that is defined within the tree (either the root, or a tree node value).

Interactive input:

Note: when users elect to interactively input values, the first value inputted will be considered the root. Thus, if users input the following:

Enter tree value (q - to quit): 3
Enter tree value (q - to quit): 55
Enter tree value (q - to quit): 2
Enter tree value (q - to quit): 3
Enter tree value (q - to quit): 30
Enter tree value (q - to quit): 100
Enter tree value (q - to quit): 45
Enter tree value (q - to quit): 1
Enter tree value (q - to quit): 43
Enter tree value (q - to quit): 48
Enter tree value (q - to quit): 25
Enter tree value (q - to quit): 21
Enter tree value (q - to quit): q

then, the binary tree will have a representation as follows:


                / \

               /   \

              /     \

             2      55

            / \    /  \

           1   3  30   100

                 /  \

               25   45

               /   /  \

             21   43   48