ylplines - Clarity for Yelp
An open source project to visualize the timeline of ratings and reviews for Yelp businesses.
Project structure:
- ylplines (Top-level directory)
- .openshift (Directives to production)
- doc (Project documentation using Sphinx)
- .travis.yml (Directives to CI build provider)
- setup.py (Prequisites and dependencies for project)
- wsgi (Project source top level)
- djYlplines (Django level for project)
- settings.py (Django settings)
- urls.py (Project urls)
- wsgi.py (Web server init)
- main (Primary Django app)
- manage.py (Django manage script)
If you want to work with this project:
- You must obtain an API key from Yelp so that you can execute queries locally.
Create a 'privatekeys' directory under the 'wsgi' directory. Create a json file 'yelpAPI.json' inside
and include your API information (consumer_key, consumer_secret, token, token_secret).