jeffcoronza / ulib

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The goal of this project is to provide extremely efficient implementations of some fundamental data structures and algorithms. The interface of each component has been made general and self-explanatory, one can grasp the usage by looking at the header of the component. I've implemented most of the components and the rest were ported from other open-source projects, such as the Linux kernel, of which all credits go the original authors.

Main Features
    An extremely efficient open addressing hash table, comparable
    or even better performance than STL hashmap, Google
    sparse/dense hash, EASTL hashmap and RDESTL hashmap.
    A chaining hash table, corner stone for building concurrent
    hash tables.
    A concurrent hash table based on the chaining hash
    table. Significantly faster (~30%) than several popular ones,
    e.g., TBB(,
    nbds( and Visual Studio
    2012. LocksCanMakeSense provides some analysis.
    The fast-hash hash function Efficient and robust general
    purpose hash function.
    A set of robust, efficient, and invertible integer hash
    Heap and heapsort. Improved performance than STL.
    A text binary search algorithm.
    A robust O(n) median algorithm.
    Various random number generators, e.g. Zipf RNG, Normal RNG,
    and Gamma RNG.
    General AVL and Splay trees. Faster than Solaris Kernel AVL
    and libavl.
    Bit tricks.
    Cryptographic algorithms. 

Parallel Programming
    MapReduce framework for multicores.
    A set of scalable locks.
    Atomic primitives for x86_64. 

Update History
        Added a patch to the SVN trunk. This patch fixes a
    segmentation fault raised in the sort() method of
    hash_chain. This issue only occurs when it is complied by
    certain buggy GCCs. If you have the hash_chain tests failed
    due to segmentation fault, please consider applying this
    Start from the version 2.0.0 beta, the ulib library targets
    only x86_64 architecture. In other words, newer versions may
    not compile/work on other architectures. 

    Test codes can be located under perf/. 
    Hash table performance AlignedHashingPerformance.
    AVL tree performance AVLPerformance.
    Analysis of FastHash 

Core Items
    bfilter.{h,c}: the Bloom filter
    bitmap.{h,c}: generic bitmap
    crypt_aes.{h,c}: the AES crypt
    crypt_md5.{h,c}: the MD5 algorithm
    crypt_rc4.{h,c}: the RC4 crypt
    crypt_sha1.{h,c}: the SHA1 algorithm
    crypt_sha256.{h,c}: the SHA256 algorithm
    hash_open.h: C++ containers for the open addressing hashmap
    and hashset
    hash_open_prot.h: prototypes for the open addressing hashmap
    and hashset
    hash_chain.h: C++ container for the chain hashmap
    hash_chain_prot.h: prototype for the chain hashmap
    hash_func.{h,c}: hash functions
    heap_prot.h: generic heap prototype
    list.h: doubly linked list, can be used to implement queue and
    math_bit.h: bit operations
    math_bn.{h,c}: big number arithmetics
    math_comb.{h,c}: combinatorics enumerator
    math_factorial.{h,c}: factorial approximations
    math_gcd.{h,c}: Euclidean and the Extended Euclidean GCD
    math_lcm.{h,c}: the least common multiple
    math_rand_prot.h: pseudo-random number generators, mix
    functions, and etc
    math_rng_gamma.{h,c}: gamma distribution RNG
    math_rng_normal.{h,c}: normal distribution RNG
    math_rng_zipf.{h,c}: Zipf distribution RNG
    search_line.{h,c}: binary search for the text lines
    sort_heap_prot.h: prototype for the heapsort
    sort_list.{h,c}: list sort
    sort_median_prot.h: prototype for the median algorithm
    str_util.{h,c}: parallel/supplementary string utilities
    tree.{h,c}: various binary search trees
    tree_util.{h,c}: tree utilities
    ulib_ver.{h,c}: ulib version
    util_algo.h: basic algorithms
    util_console.{h,c}: command-line parser
    util_hexdump: the hexdump utilities
    util_log.h: logging utilities
    util_timer.h: high-precision timer 

Parallel Items
    hash_chain_r.h: concurrent chain hashmap
    hash_multi_r.h: concurrent multiple hashmap
    mr_dataset.{h,cpp}: the MapReduce data abstraction
    mr_engine.h: the MapReduce engine
    mr_interm.h: the MapReduce intermediate storage abstraction
    os_atomic_intel64.h: atomic operations for the x86_64
    os_rdtsc.h: the Intel rdtsc instruction
    os_regionlock.h: region locks
    os_spinlock.h: various spinlocks for the x86_64
    os_thread.{h,cpp}: thread wrapper class
    os_typelock.h: typed locks for C++