This project provides a simple interactive demonstration of the NBLAST neuron search algorithm using the RStudio shiny web application framework for R.
A live demo of this application is running at
You can actually run the nblast server on your own machine with relatively little effort. Instructions follow or watch the video run-through.
Assuming that you have opened NBLAST_on-the-fly.Rproj
You will also need to download our processed/registered version of the dataset. The flycircuit package will enable you to do this. Note that the data will be installed in a default location within the home folder of the current user; therefore you must download the data while running as the user that will be used to run the shiny app.
Assuming that you have opened NBLAST_on-the-fly.Rproj
will do the trick.
If you want to hack NBLAST_on-the-fly:
You will need to run the app in browser such as Chrome that supports WebGL rather than in the RStudio browswer if you want to see the 3D content.
If you want to set up a server of your own, perhaps to provide access to a new dataset, besides R and and the packages already mentioned you will need to install shiny server. There is a free, open source shiny server edition. Detailed instructions for different linux platforms are here: