jeffgortmaker / pyblp

BLP Demand Estimation with Python
MIT License
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.. description-start

An overview of the model, examples, references, and other documentation can be found on Read the Docs <>_.

.. docs-start

PyBLP is a Python 3 implementation of routines for estimating the demand for differentiated products with BLP-type random coefficients logit models. This package was created by Jeff Gortmaker <> in collaboration with Chris Conlon <>.

Development of the package has been guided by the work of many researchers and practitioners. For a full list of references, including the original work of Berry, Levinsohn, and Pakes (1995) <>, refer to the references <> section of the documentation.


If you use PyBLP in your research, we ask that you also cite Conlon and Gortmaker (2020) <>_, which describes the advances implemented in the package. ::

    author = {Conlon, Christopher and Gortmaker, Jeff},
    title = {Best practices for differentiated products demand estimation with {PyBLP}},
    journal = {The RAND Journal of Economics},
    volume = {51},
    number = {4},
    pages = {1108-1161},
    doi = {},
    url = {},
    eprint = {},
    year = {2020}

If you use PyBLP's micro moments functionality, we ask that you also cite Conlon and Gortmaker (2023) <>_, which describes the standardized framework implemented by PyBLP for incorporating micro data into BLP-style estimation. ::

    author = {Conlon, Christopher and Gortmaker, Jeff},
    title = {Incorporating micro data into differentiated products demand estimation with {PyBLP}},
    note = {Working paper},
    year = {2023}


The PyBLP package has been tested on Python <> versions 3.6 through 3.9. The SciPy instructions <> for installing related packages is a good guide for how to install a scientific Python environment. A good choice is the Anaconda Distribution <>, since it comes packaged with the following PyBLP dependencies: NumPy <>, SciPy <>, SymPy <>, and Patsy <>. For absorption of high dimension fixed effects, PyBLP also depends on its companion package PyHDFE <>, which will be installed when PyBLP is installed.

However, PyBLP may not work with old versions of its dependencies. You can update PyBLP's Anaconda dependencies with::

conda update numpy scipy sympy patsy

You can update PyHDFE with::

pip install --upgrade pyhdfe

You can install the current release of PyBLP with pip <>_::

pip install pyblp

You can upgrade to a newer release with the --upgrade flag::

pip install --upgrade pyblp

If you lack permissions, you can install PyBLP in your user directory with the --user flag::

pip install --user pyblp

Alternatively, you can download a wheel or source archive from PyPI <>. You can find the latest development code on GitHub <> and the latest development documentation here <>_.

Other Languages

Once installed, PyBLP can be incorporated into projects written in many other languages with the help of various tools that enable interoperability with Python.

For example, the reticulate <>_ package makes interacting with PyBLP in R straightforward (when supported, Python objects can be converted to their R counterparts with the py_to_r function, which needs to be used manually because we set convert=FALSE to get rid of errors about trying to automatically convert unsupported objects)::

pyblp <- import("pyblp", convert=FALSE)
pyblp$options$flush_output <- TRUE

Similarly, PyCall <>_ can be used to incorporate PyBLP into a Julia workflow::

using PyCall
pyblp = pyimport("pyblp")

The py command <>_ serves a similar purpose in MATLAB::



Bugs and Requests

Please use the GitHub issue tracker <>_ to submit bugs or to request features.