jeffmaher / reclaimphilly-web

A web application for cataloging vacant property in Philadelphia
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Reclaim Philly Web

This is the web interface and backend for Reclaim Philly, a civic app that aims to catalog all the vacant properties in Philadelphia via official government data and crowdsourced knowledge. It is the primary development project for Reclaim Cities (the underlying engine, as seen from what this is forked from).

This application is very much in beta right now. This means it's a bit rough around the edges and documentation is lacking. It's a priority for us in the first half of 2014 to clean up the code, enhance the documentation, and contribute a generalized set of the code back into the Reclaim Cities project.

What documentation we do have is available in the docs folder.

If you'd like to contribute, feel free to send us any code! Or if you'd like to become more directly involved, contact plusjeff or scaba on GitHub.