jefwang9 / 733_Final_Project

SFU 733_Final_Project
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733 Final Project

Welcome to group CWJY's term project repository!

How to run

Data pipeline and data as a service

We have built data pipelines in folder src/data_prep/ and stored all the relevant transformed datasets in CSV format in the data/ directory. While we will dive deep into our decision of not using a database in our report, this makes running the data pipeline a one-time process. Please take a look at the file structure below if you're more interested in running the pipeline yourself.

Sepcial note: in order to save space and make more sense as a data storate, the processed Mobibikes annual datasets are compressed. Opening the datasets requires pd.read_csv(file_path, compression="zip"), assuming pandas is used.

The Flask data server needs to be running in order for the front-end to gather data, though. Please simply verify that you have all the dependencies listed in the later section, and call python3 src/data_server/ &. The server will initially prime and load some datasets it uses, and then run quietly in background.

Front-end host

Machine learning models

We build two models, the regression model is in src/regression_model_2020.ipynb and classifier model is in src/xgb_model_2020.ipynb. The regression model can be run directly. To run classifier model, first we ned to run src/data_prep/train_data_preprocess.ipynb to create data/data_2020_merged_xgbClassify.csv and data/2021_test.csv, which are our training and testing data. Both two file have a sample prediction and will be saved in data/predict.csv.

File structure

Some temporary files and folders are omitted for they are not relevant in understanding this repository.

├── data/ # data storage folder in CSV format
│ ├── raw_mobibikes_data/ # Monthly raw data of rental records
│ ├── raw/ # The 4 raw, supplementary datasets
│ ├── processed/ # Transformed 4 supplementary datasets
│ ├── geocodings.csv # Geometric coordinates for all mobibikes rental stations
│ ├── Mobi_System_Data_2017.csv # Transformed rental records
│ ├── . . .
│ ├── Mobi_System_Data_2021.csv
│ ├── not_found_stations.txt # small number of stations not found during geocoding
│ ├── predict.csv # Predictions from the model
│ └── stations.csv # Features needed for all stations
├── src/ # all source files reside here
│ ├── data_prep/ # subtroutines in the data ETL pipeline
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── data_merger.ipynb
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── stations_lookup.ipynb # Collect all needed information for each station
│ │ ├── train_data_preprocess.ipynb # Generate training and testing data for classifier
│ │ └── ...
│ │
│ ├── map_visual/
│ │ ├── main.html # Webpage
│ │ ├── script.js # Webpage script
│ │ ├── style.css # Styling
│ │ └── web_display_dataProcess.ipynb # Data processing for heatmap
│ │
│ ├── data_server/ # hosts the flask data server and the data processing componenets it needs
│ │ ├── # correlates the supplementary datasets to the bike stations
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── # Flask server
│ │ └── ...
│ │
│ ├── kmeans.ipynb
│ ├── lstm.ipynb # The LSTM model, not finished yet
│ ├── regression_model_2020.ipynb # The regression model
│ └── xgb_model_2020.ipynb # The classification model
└── # this file you're reading :)


Data pipeline and data server

Back-end machine learning models