Despotify - the open source Spotify client http://despotify.se/
Despotify can only be utilized with "Premium" Spotify accounts.
Source code
The latest version of the source code can be checked out from our Subversion repository $ svn checkout https://despotify.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/despotify despotify
The checked out source code contains a number of directories
java/ This is where one of the available Java implementations go
src/ This is where the C based client, library and Python bindings go
web/ This is where the source code for our web site goes (http://despotify.se)
Build instructions for the simple client and library
You'll need a few libraries to be able to build despotify If you're running Debian/Ubuntu they can be installed with the following commands
If you encounter any problems, ask a friend or ask in the channel
Goto the directory src/ where the despotify library and client is located $ cd src
Optionial (..because just running make will do this for you otherwise)
2.1 Copy Makefile.local.mk.dist to Makefile.local.mk $ cp Makefile.local.mk.dist Makefile.local.mk
2.2 Make local adjustments such as specifying additional path for where the compiler's linker should look for libraries (modify LDFLAGS) or install to a different prefix (i.e. /usr/local instead of /usr) $ nano Makefile.local.mk
Run make $ make
Install $ sudo make install
You'll now have a client called 'despotify-simple' and a gateway called 'gateway' installed under ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin (usually this will be /usr/bin)
Also checkout
- Felix Bruns' Java implementation of a Spotify compatible library and GUI client
- Nevyn's Spotify compatible client for the iPhone/iPod platform
- Home of Spotify
Final notes
This project is neither endorsed by nor associated with Spotify :-)