jellyfin / TMDbLib

C#.Net library for TheMovieDB
MIT License
344 stars 128 forks source link
movies themoviedb tmdb

TMDbLib Generic Build NuGet GHPackages

A near-complete wrapper for v3 of TMDb's API (TheMovieDb -

Using alpha packages

All commits to master produce an Alpha package that can be found here. Read more on how to use these packages.



Most of the library is self-explaining, and closely follows the possibilities at the official TMDb documentation site:


Simple example, getting the basic info for "A good day to die hard".

TMDbClient client = new TMDbClient("APIKey");
Movie movie = client.GetMovieAsync(47964).Result;

Console.WriteLine($"Movie name: {movie.Title}");

Using the extra features of TMDb, we can fetch more info in one go (here we fetch casts as well as trailers):

TMDbClient client = new TMDbClient("APIKey");
Movie movie = await client.GetMovieAsync(47964, MovieMethods.Credits | MovieMethods.Videos);

Console.WriteLine($"Movie title: {movie.Title}");
foreach (Cast cast in movie.Credits.Cast)
    Console.WriteLine($"{cast.Name} - {cast.Character}");

foreach (Video video in movie.Videos.Results)
    Console.WriteLine($"Trailer: {video.Type} ({video.Site}), {video.Name}");

It is likewise simple to search for people or movies, for example here we search for "007". This yields basically every James Bond film ever made:

TMDbClient client = new TMDbClient("APIKey");
SearchContainer<SearchMovie> results = client.SearchMovieAsync("007").Result;

Console.WriteLine($"Got {results.Results.Count:N0} of {results.TotalResults:N0} results");
foreach (SearchMovie result in results.Results)

However, another way to get all James Bond movies, is to use the collection-approach. TMDb makes collections for series of movies, such as Die Hard and James Bond. I know there is one, so I will show how to search for the collection, and then list all movies in it:

TMDbClient client = new TMDbClient("APIKey");
SearchContainer<SearchCollection> collectons = client.SearchCollectionAsync("James Bond").Result;
Console.WriteLine($"Got {collectons.Results.Count:N0} collections");

Collection jamesBonds = client.GetCollectionAsync(collectons.Results.First().Id).Result;
Console.WriteLine($"Collection: {jamesBonds.Name}");

Console.WriteLine($"Got {jamesBonds.Parts.Count:N0} James Bond Movies");
foreach (SearchMovie part in jamesBonds.Parts)
