This plugin adds support for standard ANSI escape sequences, including color, to Console Output.
This plugin is available here and has a page on the Jenkins Wiki.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar install-plugin ansicolor
There are 2 ways to explicitly enable ansicolor
functionality in a pipeline: as a build wrapper - the cleanest and most preferable one
or as a pipeline step - good for quick checks when you only need part of the output colored.
Can be used to colorize the whole output of a pipeline build. Here is an example rendering a colorful message.
pipeline {
agent any
options {
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
echo '\033[34mHello\033[0m \033[33mcolorful\033[0m \033[35mworld!\033[0m'
With the following syntax you can use the plugin without allocating a node or a separate build wrapper.
ansiColor('css') {
sh "ls -al"
echo 'this will be rendered as-is'
// multiple ansiColor steps within one pipeline are also supported
ansiColor('vga') {
echo '\033[42m\033[97mWhite letters, green background\033[0m'
environment variable will be set to the provided name inside the block scope.
ansiColor('xterm') {
echo "TERM=${env.TERM}"
// prints out TERM=xterm
The argument to the ansiColor function can be either xterm
, vga
, gnome-terminal
or css
. This defines which colors Jenkins should show for some of the escape codes. The exact color values used in each set are defined in
Traditional, Jenkins UI defined jobs, can also take advantage of ansicolor
by enabling it under "Build Environment" settings.
Example output:
This option is the most suitable when you already have a large amount of jobs and you would like to enable ansicolor
functionality for all of them in one go.
In order to use it you need to specify Global color map for all builds on the Global configuration page available under:
Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System
Create a job in Jenkins that executes the following shell script. Don't forget to check the "Color the ANSI Console Output" option.
printf "\e[31mHello World\e[0m\n"
printf "Normal \e[1mBold\e[0m\n"
printf "Normal \e[4mUnderlined\e[0m\n"
Check out this guide for more examples.
If you commonly use Zsh as your login shell, it's important to keep in mind
that the echo
command (shell builtin) supports character escaping.
Bash however, does not.
This can cause you a bit of confusion. For example, if you test your
shell scripts (which use echo
) in Zsh, and they work fine. Then you
try to run them as part of a job on Jenkins (which will use be using
Bash by default), it's quite possible you won't see colorized output,
instead, you only see the ANSI control codes, still embedded in your
There are ways around this, however, we recommend you use the printf
command instead. It'll just work everywhere, and allow \e
, \033
or \x1b
to be used as the escape character.
For example:
printf "\e[31mHello\e[0m\n"
printf "\033[31mHello\033[0m\n"
printf "\x1b[31mHello\x1b[0m\n"
Will all print Hello in red on any system / shell that has printf
(ie. anything POSIX compliant)
Most of the attributes and color modes described at wikipedia/ANSI escape code were supported, including:
Not supported attributes:
The colorize
ruby library, for example, emits high intensity codes when using the "light" color options.
RSpec formatters detect whether RSpec is running in a terminal or not, therefore suppressing color output under Jenkins. Specify --colour --tty
when calling rspec or add it to your .rspec
The ANSI Color Plugin is licensed under the MIT License.
It uses JANSI (Apache 2.0 License).