jenkinsci / archetypes

Collection of Maven archetypes to get developers started
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Maven archetypes to help you create new components involving Jenkins, such as plugins.

GitHub release


To see all currently released archetypes and pick one to instantiate:

mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=io.jenkins.archetypes:

It is also possible to run this noninteractively:

mvn archetype:generate -B -DarchetypeGroupId=io.jenkins.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=empty-plugin -DhostOnJenkinsGitHub=true -DarchetypeVersion=1.20 -DartifactId=somefeature

In olden times, people used mvn hpi:create or even a web-based tool to create new plugins. This has been deprecated in favor of the new archetypes, which cover more scenarios and require no special tooling.

The NetBeans IDE also offers a plugin for Jenkins development which offers a Jenkins plugin archetype via the File » New Project wizard.

If you have defined a mirror like this in your settings.xml you might not be able to use filter option as described above.



See GitHub Releases for changes.

For older versions, see the archive.


To create a new archetype, file a pull request creating a new module, following the examples currently here. Important pieces:

Archetypes are expected to use technologies hosted in @jenkinsci (or a few other places pulled in by Jenkins core, such as @stapler). Other archetypes can be developed in a profile but will not be published. Releasing:

mvn -B release:{prepare,perform}

In addition to needing write permission to this repository, you must have been preauthorized to deploy to the io/jenkins/archetypes/ sector of OSSRH.

Artifacts will appear on Maven Central after a few minutes. But as noted in OSSRH-34275, the catalog only gets regenerated weekly; to check it:

curl -s | xmlstarlet sel -R -I -t -c '//archetype[groupId="io.jenkins.archetypes"]'

If testing their appearance, be sure to use a clean environment:

docker run -ti --rm --name mvn --entrypoint /bin/bash maven:3.8.3-jdk-8