jenkinsci / hipchat-plugin

HipChat notification plugin for Jenkins
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HipChat plugin for Jenkins

A Jenkins plugin that sends notifications to HipChat chat rooms for build events.



The plugin allows two levels of configuration, each explained in the below sections. The assumption should be that if a project level setting can not be found, the plugin will fall back to the global configuration.

Global configuration

These settings can be found under Manage Jenkins -> Configure System and look for Global HipChat Notifier Settings. The settings listed here are:

Job level configuration

To set up the plugin for an individual job, go to the job's configuration page and add the HipChat Notifications post-build action. The settings listed there are:

Message template format

The message templates used by the plugin now fully support token-macro tokens, for a comprehensive list of the available tokens, please check out the help texts for the message template settings.

In addition to the out of the box supported tokens from the token-macro-plugin, the plugin can also utilize various other tokens provided by other plugins. Having the email-ext-plugin installed on Jenkins will make the following (non-comprehensive list of) tokens available for example:

If you find that one of the above listed tokens do not work with the plugin, you should probably check first whether the email-ext-plugin is installed on your Jenkins instance. The same rule applies for other third party token provider plugins.

The HipChat plugin also provides the following token implementations:

Token name Content Example value
BLUE_OCEAN_URL Blue Ocean UI friendly link to the currently built job http://localhost:8080/jenkins/job/foobar/1/display/redirect
BUILD_DESCRIPTION The description of the current build Example build description
BUILD_DURATION The duration of the build in human readable format 42 min
COMMIT_MESSAGE The first line of the last changeset's commit message Initial commit
HIPCHAT_CHANGES Human readable details of the new changesets or "No changes" if changesets weren't computed for this build Started by changes from bjensen (1 file(s) changed)
HIPCHAT_CHANGES_OR_CAUSE Returns HIPCHAT_CHANGES if it was successfully calculated, otherwise returns the cause of the build Started by user Admin
TEST_REPORT_URL Direct link to the test reports http://localhost:8080/jenkins/job/foobar/1/testReport

Proxy support

The plugin utilizes the proxy configuration in Jenkins when making external HTTPS connections. To configure proxy in Jenkins, follow the Jenkins documentation.

The currently supported features are:

Pipeline support

When using pipeline projects, HipChat messages can be sent using the following DSL:

hipchatSend color: 'YELLOW', credentialId: 'myid', failOnError: true, message: 'test', notify: true, room: 'Jenkins', sendAs: 'Jenkins', server: '', textFormat: true, v2enabled: true

Note that the following parameters for the hipchatSend step are planned to be deprecated in the next major version:

Support for custom Card Providers

HipChat supports various kinds of cards for its notifications, as such the card implementation in the Jenkins HipChat plugin has been done in a pluggable manner. In case the out of the box available card implementations do not fit your needs, the following extension will need to be written:

public class MyCoolCardProvider extends CardProvider {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(MyCoolCardProvider.class.getName());

    public Card getCard(Run<?, ?> run, TaskListener taskListener, Icon icon, String message) {
        // implement magic

    public CardProviderDescriptor getDescriptor() {
        return new DescriptorImpl();

    public static class DescriptorImpl extends CardProviderDescriptor {

        public String getDisplayName() {
            return "My cool card provider";

The return value type Card represents a HipChat card and exposes all of its available properties as it is defined in the HipChat API documentation.

The idea behind the extensible approach is that lots of different card implementations can be made available. If you do end up writing a custom CardProvider, please open a pull request, so that others can benefit from it too. Having these custom implementations contributed should also ensure (to a reasonable degree) that future API changes will be reflected on these implementations as the changes are being made.