jensmtg / influx

An alternative backlinks plugin, which displays relevant and formatted excerpts from notes with linked mentions, based on the position of mentions in the notes' hierarchical structure (bullet level indentation).
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[Bug?] content is not refreshed when linked page is opened #3

Closed danieltomasz closed 1 year ago

danieltomasz commented 1 year ago

I open linked page, then I changed content under the link


The influx footer stays the same, only opening page in new windows or reopening it refreshes it


Again this is Obsidian O.16.2, I cannot check for 0.15.9

jensmtg commented 1 year ago

This is not a bug per se, but I can see how it feels natural to have influx update without explicitly refreshing the page. How to enable this without causing heavy performance penalty due to greatly increased number of re-renders - due to the way state is managed in obsidian - is something I'll have to look into. Maybe for a future version.

danieltomasz commented 1 year ago

Are there a way to re-render only if watched file with wiki-link changed? (lets say only after 5 sec after last change of state, to not do it too often?)

jensmtg commented 1 year ago

That's would be the idea. The challenge is the data flow between obsidian and codemirror. It's probably fixable, but not so trivial I can do it without some study.

stoweboyd commented 1 year ago

dataview refreshes relatively quickly. Why not create a command so we can manually refresh?

danieltomasz commented 1 year ago

Query control plugin is facing similar problem, sometimes is even worse, it doesn't auto update links view after switching the card, only manual update works

stoweboyd commented 1 year ago

but the way I generally use query control or dataview is standalone queries in a separate file. But with influx the plugin is evident in all files, so the lag in sync is very obvious and disconcerting.

jensmtg commented 1 year ago

Fixed in latest version.