jensmtg / influx

An alternative backlinks plugin, which displays relevant and formatted excerpts from notes with linked mentions, based on the position of mentions in the notes' hierarchical structure (bullet level indentation).
MIT License
310 stars 14 forks source link
backlinks bullet-journal mentions obsidian-md

Note As the creator mentioned below, the plugin is no longer maintained. Check out an alternative implementation

Warning I'm sad to say I can't find the time to maintain this plug-in. As such, issues will not be read. I may merge pull requests from time to time. If you think you can maintain this plugin please contact me.

Obsidian Influx logo

GitHub release (latest SemVer)

Similar to the backlinks core plugin for Obsidian, but made to display relevant and formatted excerpts from notes with linked mentions, based on the position of mentions in the notes' hierarchical structure (bullet level indentation).


Suggested usage pattern:

(Or: How to get the most out of this plugin.)

Release notes


The focus of this update has been to reimplement part of the core of the Influx plugin; the functions that generate the excerpts. The new implementation is more robust, more correct(!) and also has an extensive test coverage, which makes it easier to maintain and make changes to features without breaking other features. Here are the main features of the new update, in terms of functionality:

Thanks to kenlim for contributing to development through a pull request!

Thanks to ericlpeterson, alranel, FilSalustri, Josh2K, mrkuramoto and Mat4m0 for sponsoring, and supporting ongoing maintainance!