jensmtg / influx

An alternative backlinks plugin, which displays relevant and formatted excerpts from notes with linked mentions, based on the position of mentions in the notes' hierarchical structure (bullet level indentation).
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[bug] Context not showing up in results with full path formatted mentions #42

Open mediapathic opened 1 year ago

mediapathic commented 1 year ago

For some of my notes, just the header, and not the lines containing the link, show up on the list.

By way of example: this is the file "Clocks Notes MOC":

Screen Shot 2022-10-24 at 14 17 57

And this is the beginning of "2022-10-24", which you'll note is the first backlink in the influx list:

Screen Shot 2022-10-24 at 14 18 51

All of my daily notes are formatted basically like that, and none of them show content. As far as I can tell, the only notes that actually show content are ones wherein I don't use any bullet points at all.

So: is this a bug? Or is this, as I suspect, something to do with the way my daily notes are formatted? If the latter, I recommend describing what that is in the README, because I cannot see any significant difference between what I'm doing and what's in your screenshot.

(Edit: Github automatically added the bug tag based on my original title, sorry about that)

jensmtg commented 1 year ago

That's curious. I'm not sure what causes this bug, maybe it could be something with the formatting of mentions. Could you post the raw markdown?

mediapathic commented 1 year ago

here's today's daily note, which exhibits the same problem. I suspect everything after the timeline header is irrelevant but i include it just in case:

tag: #daily #log 

# Tue 2022-10-25
## Notes
### timeline 

- 13:18
    - I am mentioning [[../02 OUTPUT/CLOCKS split/Notes/Clocks Notes MOC]] so I can send some test markdown for debugging influx. 
## Navigation  %% fold %%

- [[00. Homepage]] - [[000 Index]] - [[005 Active MOC]] - [[TASKS searches]] - [[Dashboard]]
- [[stats Kanban]] - [[../../03 daily/Week Kanban|Week Kanban]] -  [[Subs Kanban]] - [[Writing Tracker]]

[[2022_Calendar |2022]] » [[2022-10 | October]]  » [[2022-W44 | Week 44]]
[[2022-10-24 | ⇦ Previous Day]] | [[2022-10-26 | Next Day ⇨]] 


## Modified %% fold %%

TABLE file.cday as "Created On", file.mday as "Last Modified"
FROM -"02 OUTPUT/CLOCKS Scrivener sync"
WHERE file.mday = date(2022-10-25)

mediapathic commented 1 year ago

Based on your changed title, I did a brief test, and, yes, I think you're right that the fully formed path is the problem. If I remove the path from a mention it seems to show up.