jensmtg / influx

An alternative backlinks plugin, which displays relevant and formatted excerpts from notes with linked mentions, based on the position of mentions in the notes' hierarchical structure (bullet level indentation).
MIT License
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Don't count checking boxes as a form of typing #77

Open sawft99 opened 1 year ago

sawft99 commented 1 year ago

Issue When doing a checklist with the option to remove infux while typing, the contents can shift up and down causing me to have to go back and forth as the page is shifted to check things off

Describe the solution you'd like Either a toggle or a default behavior to not remove influx when checking off boxes

Describe alternatives you've considered The alternative is to do what I have been doing. Maybe a threshold for how long you need to type before removing it? For example, 3 seconds (configurable?) of continuous typing before removing