jensstein / oandbackup

backup manager for android
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syncopoly support [or other external app for sync] #195

Open akallabeth opened 6 years ago

akallabeth commented 6 years ago

Would be nice if oandbackup could trigger syncopoly (or something similar) when a backup is finished. Optionally with deletion of the backup, if the sync is complete.

ildar commented 6 years ago

Sounds pretty easy like kicking an intent of your choice. Like Easer does Easer (Event-driven Android automation) -

nikwen commented 6 years ago

You could also use Syncthing. That doesn't need support from the app itself.

jensstein commented 6 years ago

i have syncthing set up to monitor my backup directory by itself, so strictly for synchonization you don't need support from inside oab. of course, this doesn't handle the case where you want something to happen with the backups on completed synchronization and it requires the synchronization process to run regularly to pick up changes to the backup directory instead of these changes being pushed from oab.