jensstein / oandbackup

backup manager for android
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a backup program for android. requires root and allows you to backup individual apps and their data. both backup and restore of individual programs one at a time and batch backup and restore of multiple programs are supported (with silent / unattended restores).
restoring system apps should be possible without requiring a reboot afterwards. oandbackup is also able to uninstall system apps. handling system apps in this way depends on whether /system/ can be remounted as writeable though, so this will probably not work for all devices (e.g. htc devices with the security flag on).
backups can be scheduled with no limit on the number of individual schedules and there is the possibility of creating custom lists from the list of installed apps.


oandbackup is built with gradle. you need the android sdk, rust for building the oab-utils binary, and bash or a compatible shell for executing the oab-utils build script (patches for making this buildable on windows are welcomed).

./gradlew build
# building only debug
./gradlew assembleDebug
# building for a specific abi target
./gradlew assembleArm64

version control

oandbackup is handled on both gitlab and github:
debug apks are built by gitlab for each commit on every branch. the latest successful build can be found here (substitute $branch for the desired branch, e.g. master):$branch/browse/apks?job=build
and signed release apks are built for every commit on the master branch:

busybox / toybox / oab-utils

a working busybox or toybox installation is required at the moment, but work is in progress to include all the needed functionality in a binary included in the apk. this program is called oab-utils and is written in rust.

you can get the source for busybox here: you then need to cross-compile it for the architecture of your device (e.g. armv6). you can also try the binaries found here:
if you have a working toolchain for your target device, you should only need to run the following commands on the busybox source:

    make defconfig # makes a config file with the default options
    make menuconfig # brings up an ncurses-based menu for editing the options
        # set the prefix for your toolchain under busybox settings -> build options 
        # (remember the trailing dash, e.g. 'arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-')
        # build as a static binary if needed

copy the busybox binary to your system, for example /system/xbin or /data/local, and make it executable. symlinking is not necessary for use with oandbackup. in the oandbackup preferences, provide the whole path to the busybox binary, including the binary's file name (e.g. /data/local/busybox).

an apk build of oandbackup is available on f-droid's servers:

translations are currently being managed on transifex: so please come help us there or spread the link if you want the app available in your own language.

if you have any questions, critique, bug reports or suggestions, please write me an email:


oandbackup supports encrypting the backups using an external cryptography provider. First you need to install an app which implements the openpgp-api, e.g. OpenKeychain:, and set up an identity. The "Cryptography" section of the preferences of oandbackup is then enabled and here you can choose which openpgp and identity to use.

special usage notes

restoring data can also be done manually from the backup files. oandbackup stores the program data files in zip-compressed archives so they can be uncompressed and unpacked with any tool supporting that format (e.g. unzip the unpacked files should then be placed in the directory indicated by "dataDir" in the log file stored with the backup files. this directory will usually be in /data/data/.
after restoring the files, the user and group id of the package need to be set. therefore data can only be restored for packages where an apk has been installed successfully. uid and gid can be obtained with the stat program (e.g. stat /data/data/dk.jens.backup) and set with chown. finally, the correct permissions need to be set with chmod. oandbackup does this by setting 771 for all data files although this is probably not the best method. the subdirectory lib/ needs to be excluded from both chown and chmod.
on android 6 / marshmallow (api 23) you would also need to use the restorecon command on the data directory (e.g. restorecon -R /data/data/dk.jens.backup) or use another method of restoring the file security contexts.
the code which does these things are in the methods doRestore and setPermissions of


oandbackup is licensed under the MIT license (see LICENSE.txt)

android-support-v4 is written by The Android Open Source Project and licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see NOTICE.txt in the libs directory)

openpgp-api-lib is written by Dominik Schürmann and licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0


jens stein