jensstein / oandbackup

backup manager for android
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Fix Translations and Add batch uninstalling #199

Closed Akianonymus closed 6 years ago

Akianonymus commented 6 years ago

All credits to Lonami for batch Uninstall Just created this pr as Lonami is not fixing the conflict

Lonami commented 6 years ago

as Lonami is not fixing the conflict

Heh thanks I was unaware the repository got new commits :)

jensstein commented 6 years ago

i agree with @nikwen's comments. and besides that, i'm not really sure i want oab to do batch uninstalls. i'm not even sure if i want it to do uninstalls in the first place. i think this functionality should be separated out into some other app manager.

Lonami commented 6 years ago

@jensstein if you are able to backup and install a backup, I can't see why the inverse (uninstalling) shouldn't be possible. The feature is already there and adding batch uninstall just like there's batch backup should be fine.

Just my opinion of course :) I just like the feature really and it's not too much out of place.

ildar commented 6 years ago

My 5 cents.

  1. I hardly can imagine a usecase for batch uninstall
  2. I'd restrict oab to uninstall only those apps that were backed up