jensstein / oandbackup

backup manager for android
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Couldn't find oab-utils #212

Open simonsen23 opened 6 years ago

simonsen23 commented 6 years ago

When I start oandbackup I get the following error:

couldn't find oab-utils - running in legacy mode, please report this to the developer

Here is the corresponding logfile: log_oabutils.txt

When I look for the permissions from oab-utils I get the following result: ls -l oab-utils:

-rwxrw---- (...) oab-utils

I have a Oneplus 2 with ARM64 and Lineage OS 15.1

jensstein commented 6 years ago

okay, could you try this apk and send me the logs (both logcat and oandbackup.log): (we expect it to give the same result - just with some more logging)

also, try running /data/data/dk.jens.backup/files/oab-utils -h as the root user on your device.

and if others want to help debugging, there are apks for the other architectures here:

simonsen23 commented 6 years ago

Here are my logfiles with the changed apk:



I could not run the command oab-utils -h and I get the following error:

sush: oab-utils: not found

jensstein commented 6 years ago

super, please try this: i expect it to work now. your error on running the command manually seems to be because you didn't run it with an absolute path (/data/data/dk.jens.backup....), so i think it should work if you do that.

simonsen23 commented 6 years ago

Now I don't get the oab-utils error anymore.

jensstein commented 6 years ago

great :)

mase76 commented 5 years ago

I have the same issue with the F-Droid package. The execute permissions are missing for oab-utils. I set them manually, but with every start of oandbackup, they are reset.

JonnyTech commented 5 years ago

Same here with oandbackup 0.3.2-x86.apk from fdroid. Permissions when installed are 660. Changing to 775 shows error attached:


Also have to reset each time.

MarcAnt01 commented 5 years ago

@jensstein I've been experiencing the same issue after upgrading to 0.3.2, everything was working here, I have tried the same procedure as @simonsen23 , but the apk doesn't install OnePlus 3 OmniDragon Android 8.1

jensstein commented 5 years ago

are you all on arm64 devices? if so then it could be the bug mentioned at the end of this issue: it's an error in the build configuration which should be fixed by the next version (0.3.3) if you still have problems with 0.3.3 please tell me :)

MarcAnt01 commented 5 years ago

Will let you know as soon as new version is out

JonnyTech commented 5 years ago

are you all on arm64 devices?

Yes, thanks for replying

bipox commented 5 years ago

I have this issue in 0.3.3

Edit: arm64 device

lotth commented 5 years ago

Same for me with yesterday's version 0.3.3 x86_64 from f-droid.

JonnyTech commented 5 years ago

@lotth are you sure that you are using a x86_64 device? F-droid is detecting it wrong. You may want to force install the arm64 version.

lotth commented 5 years ago

I have an arm64 phone, and I assumed there was a mistake in d-droid naming scheme. I reverted to 0.3.2-arm64 and the normal behaviour is back. Thanks for pointing out the issue, I shall be more careful about f-droid detection.

JonnyTech commented 5 years ago

@lotth version 0.3.3-arm64 (2303) works too, download with the f-droid client (select manually from list) or direct from

jomo commented 5 years ago

Can confirm uninstalling the app and installing version 0.3.3-arm64 in F-Droid worked! Be careful doing this though, it also deletes the oandbackup directory on the sdcard (which contained all my backups ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

JonnyTech commented 5 years ago

There is no need to uninstall. As you are already rooted in order to use oandbackup, just replace the apk in /data/app/ with the correct one.

timur-g commented 5 years ago

Same as Issue 222

timur-g commented 5 years ago

Please close this issue if resolved.

LinuxOnTheDesktop commented 5 years ago

I don't this issue is resolved, in that people - including me - are still encountering it when they use f-droid to get the app. EDIT: Also, once I downloaded the dbg version, and installed it by executing it (I could not find the /data/app/ path to simply replace one file with another), the superuser authentication problem I was having disappeared but I still received the error message that this issue is about. And, you know, I need to restore my files . .