jensstein / oandbackup

backup manager for android
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Add "Sort & Filter" functionality to scheduling menu. #258

Open SaifMasoud opened 4 years ago

SaifMasoud commented 4 years ago


Hopefully the title is clear. For example, when you first open the app you will see a list of all packages, and you can click on the top-right-> Sort & Filter ->(options such as user apps, old backups, etc). But when you go to top-right-> Scheduling, you only have 5 choices for which apps to backup (all, system, user, new, custom). What's even worse is clicking on custom list will let you pick from ALL packages on the system, which means you have to pick your apps from hundreds.

I am not an Android developer so I don't know how easy/difficult this would be but given the sorting functionality is already here I assume its pretty doable. But if its difficult then only adding the "old backups" (Because they can pick their sorting method earlier, then use old backups to get the same result.) option would greatly improve user experience.
