jeog / TDAmeritradeAPI

Front-end library - with C, C++, Python, and Java interfaces - for the recently expanded TDAmeritrade API
GNU General Public License v3.0
238 stars 61 forks source link
api-client c cplusplus ctypes python tdameritrade tdameritrade-api websocket


A front-end shared library - with C, C++, Python, and Java interfaces - for the recently expanded TDAmeritrade API. It provides object-oriented access to the simple HTTPS/JSON interface using libcurl and to the Streaming interface using uWebSockets.

After setting up a TDAmeritrade developer account you should be able to gain access to the API by following the instructions in the Authentication section below.

The library is designed to abstract away many of the lower level details of accessing the API while still providing almost complete control over authentication, access, data handling, and order execution.

If you're interested in contributing - or would like to write bindings for a currently unsupported language - please communicate your intentions first.

Communicating w/ 3rd party servers, accessing financial accounts, and automating trade execution are all operations that present risk and require responsibility. By using this software you agree that you understand and accept these risks and responsibilities. You accept sole responsibility for the results of said use. You completely absolve the author of any damages, financial or otherwise, incurred personally or by 3rd parties, directly or indirectly, by using this software - even those resulting from the gross negligence of the author. All communication with TDAmeritrade servers, access of accounts, and execution of orders must adhere to their policies and terms of service and is your repsonsibility, and yours alone.



This project would not be possible without some of the great open-source projects listed below.



Get Interface Streaming Interface Execute Interface
C Working Working OrderTicket, Builders, Send/Cancel
C++ Working Working OrderTicket, Builders, Send/Cancel
Python Working Working OrderTicket, Builders, Send/Cancel
Java Working Working Comming Soon

Note: 'Working' does not necessarily mean 'Stable'
Note: Execute Interface has undergone very little testing


|      client python, java etc.        |   client C++    |  client C  |
|--------------------------------------|                 |            | 
|          extension layer             |                 |            |
|--------------------------------------|-----------------|            |
| C-lib interface (e.g, JNA) | C++ Proxy Layer |            |
|                   (binary compatible) C interface                   |
|       (non binary compatible) C++ interface to TDAmeritradeAPI      |

There are certain binary compatibility issues when exporting C++ code accross compilations(from name mangling, differing runtimes, changes to STL implementations etc.). Although we attempt to limit these issues with an ABI layer and 'proxy' objects, it's recommended to compile client code and the library using the same compiler/settings and link to the same libraries.

Getting Started

It's recommended you build from source. If not comfortable with this, or you just want to use the Python or Java interface, it may be easier to use a precompiled linux/windows library.

To more easily support different platforms, bindings, and use-cases while the library is in development we don't use a unified build system. The current approach:

  1. build dependencies
  2. build library
  3. install dependencies and library
  4. link to or load the library

We are currently in the process of converting to a (manually) generated makefile project - if you would like to contribute (or simply test on non-linux systems) please send an email or file an issue.

Build Dependencies


If using a package manager, like apt, install the libcurl, libssl, and zlib dev packages:

    sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev

Alternatively, you can download them manually via github:

    git clone
    git clone 
    git clone   

... or the individual project sites:


You'll need the same libraries as the Unix/Linux build AND libuv.

    brew install libuv

Compiled dependencies - 32 and 64 bit release builds of openssl, curl, zlib, and uv - are included in the vsbuild/deps/libs directory. If you'd still like to download and build them yourselves visit the links from the sections above. Pay attention to the install section below.

Build Library

The library is implemented in C++ and needs to be built accordingly. It exports a C/ABI layer which is wrapped by header defined C calls and C++ calls/objects, allowing for access from pure C, C++, Python via, and Java via JNA.

  FunctionImpl(string)                [C++ implementation code defined in lib]
  Funtion_ABI(const char*)            [C ABI code defined in lib and exported]
    /\  /\  /\  /\
====||==||==||==||=====================[lib boundary]==========================
    ||  ||  ||  ||
    ||  ||  ||  ||    ---------------------[headers]----------------------------
    ||  ||  ||  ||       #ifdef __cplusplus
    ||  ||  ||  ||<===   Function(string)        [C++ wrapper defined in header]
    ||  ||  ||           #else
    ||  ||  ||<=======   Function(const char *)  [C wrapper defined in header]
    ||  ||               #endif
    ||  ||            --------/\------------------------------------------------
    ||  ||            --------||------------------------------------------------
    ||  ||               Function("foo")         [Client C/C++]
    ||  ||            ----------------------------------------------------------
    ||  || 
    ||  ||<=== ctypes.CDll.Function_ABI("foo")   [ access to library] 
    ||<======= jna.Library.Function_ABI("foo")   [JNA access to library]
Unix/Linux/Mac (NEW)

Currently transitioning to a single makefile build that can be run from the 'Release2' subdirectory. If you have a problem w/ this please file an issue. (There are a few references to the the 'Release/' directory that may need to be manually changed to 'Release2/' until the two build approaches are fully merged e.g. test/python/ looks for 'Release/').

    user@host:~/dev/TDAmeritradeAPI/Release2$ make all
Unix/Linux/Mac (OLD)

The Eclipse/CDT generated makefiles are in the 'Debug' and 'Release' subdirectories. For Mac you need to manually add '-luv' to := -lssl -lcrypto -lz -lcurl -lpthread -lutil -ldl -luv)

    user@host:~/dev/TDAmeritradeAPI/Release$ make all

The build solution provided was created in VisualStudio2019 using toolset v142.

  1. Open vsbuild/vsbuild.sln in VisualStudio
  2. IMPORTANT Select an x64 or Win32 Release build configuration. (Build -> Configuration Manager -> Active solution configuration -> Release)
    • If you want a debug configuration you'll have to edit the 'Additional Library Directories' in Properties->Linker->General for the TDAmeritradeAPI project so it looks for Release builds of the dependencies. In the path strings change '$(Configuration)' to 'Release\'.*
  3. Build->Build Solution.

If sucessful, the library and dependencies will be in vsbuild\x64 or vsbuild\Win32.

Files you should have:


Some precompiled versions of the library are provided for convenience. You'll still need to build and/or install the dependencies. For practical reasons these binaries will not be re-compiled with each commit so you may be using a stale library. See bin/BUILD_NOTES.txt for which commit they are built from.


The Linux/ELF binaries may or may not work on your particular system/distro BUT building the library from source is pretty straight forward.

The Windows/PE binaries are built using VisualStudio2017 and statically linked against the runtime libraries to limit dependency issues.


Once built, you need to make sure the TDAmeritradeAPI library and dependencies are in a location the linker can find.


If dependencies were built/installed using a package manager they should be in the correct location already.

To make available to your program:


Since all the dependencies are included(or built manually) you'll need to manage them AND TDAmeritradeAPI.dll.

The simplest approach for supporting all language bindings, generally, is to put TDAmeritrade.dll and its dependencies (libcurl.dll etc.) in a single folder, then add that folder location to your PATH: ControlPanel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Environmental Variables -> Select 'Path' -> Edit -> append ';C:/my/library/path' to string in 'Variable' -> Ok -> log out and in again.


The sections below outline basic steps for loading and using the library.

  1. include headers:
    • "tdma_api_get.h" for the 'HTTPS Get' interface
    • "tdma_api_streaming.h" for the 'Streaming' interface
    • "tdma_api_execute.h" for the 'Execute' interface
    • (headers/source use relative include links, don't change the directory structure)
  2. add Library/API calls to your code (C++ uses namespace tdma)
  3. compile
  4. link your code with the TDAmeritradeAPI library
  5. run
  1. be sure to have built/installed the dependencies and shared library(above)
  2. be sure the library build(32 vs 64 bit) matches the python build
  3. user@host:~/dev/TDAmeritradeAPI/python$ python install
    • if your python links to python2 run python3 install instead
    • depending on how/where you've installed python you may need elevated privileges (e.g sudo, admin) to write to the python directory
    • some packages may not include distutils; if you get a ModuleNotFoundError you'll need to install e.g apt-get install python3-distutils
  4. (optional) setup the package to load the C/C++ shared lib automatically by:
    • using one of the options in the install section
    • moving the library and (un-installed) dependencies to the location of python executable
  5. import the package or module(s):
    import tdma_api # -or-
    from tdma_api import auth     # authorization methods and objects
    from tdma_api import get      # 'getter' objects and utilities
    from tdma_api import stream   # 'streaming' class and subscriptions
    from tdma_api import execute  # order objects, builders and execution calls
    • the python package will try to load the library automatically (see #4 above)
    • if it can't, it will output an error message on package import
      • the most common issue is the library not being installed in the default library search path
      • move the lib(see Install) or load it manually:
        >>> tdma_api.clib.init("path/to/")
    • if you get an error message concerning the dependencies you'll need to move them to a location the dynamic linker can find. (see Install)
  1. be sure to have built/installed the dependencies and shared library(above)
  2. be sure you're working with Java 8 or higher (Major Version 52 or higher)
  3. be sure the library build(32 vs 64 bit) matches the JRE (java -version will mention "64-Bit")
  4. (optional) setup TDAmeritradeAPI.jar to load the C/C++ shared lib automatically by:
    • using one of the options in the install section
    • bundling the shared lib with TDAmeritradeAPI.jar in the appropriately named folder (e.g linux-x86-64/
  5. add library/API calls to your code
    • (if not done automatically in step 4) pass the path of the C/C++ shared lib to tdameritradeapi.TDAmeritradeAPI.init(String path)
    • attempts to access the library before init(path) is successful will throw TDAmeritradeAPI.LibraryNotLoaded
    • io.github.jeog.tdameritradeapi - high level package
    • io.github.jeog.tdameritrade.get - 'getter' objects and utilities package (still in development)
    • - 'streaming' class and subscriptions package
    • io.github.jeog.tdameritrade.execute - execution interface package (coming soon)
  6. add java/json.jar, java/jna.jar, and java/TDAmeritradeAPI.jar to your classpath and compile:
    • Windows: javac -cp "java/TDAmeritradeAPI.jar;java/json.jar;java/jna.jar"
    • Unix: javac -cp "java/TDAmeritradeAPI.jar:java/json.jar:java/jna.jar"
  7. run:

    • Windows: java -cp ".:java/TDAmeritradeAPI.jar;java/json.jar;java/jna.jar" YourCode
    • Unix: java -cp ".:java/TDAmeritradeAPI.jar:java/json.jar:java/jna.jar" YourCode

      An example using test/java/ on linux (uses wildcards and assumes a shared lib in Release/):  
      user@host:~/dev/TDAmeritradeAPI/test/java$ javac -cp "../../java/*"
      user@host:~/dev/TDAmeritradeAPI/test/java$ java -cp ".:../../java/*" Test ../../Release/
  1. see steps 1 - 5 in the Use - Java section
  2. add java/json.jar, java/jna.jar, and java/TDAmeritradeAPI.jar to the lib/ folder in the root directory
  3. sbt run


Errors & Exceptions

All exceptional/error states from the C++ interface will cause exceptions to be thrown.


Authentication is done through OAuth2. The user logs in to grant access to the app they created (when setting up the developer account), receives an access code, and uses that code to request access and refresh tokens.

The library uses a 'Credentials' object to store and manage tokens. When access tokens expire(every 30 minutes) the library automatically uses the refresh token and updates the Credentials object. When refresh tokens expire(every 90 days) the user has to build new Credentials. The library is built to throw when a Credentials object is used within 24 hours of expiration, but this behavior should NOT be relied upon.

Credentials can be built in different ways:

  1. By using one of the python/html tools in /tools (easiest, see below)
  2. By getting an access code and passing it into the (poorly named) RequestAccessToken API call (see below)
  3. By getting tokens and manually constructing the object (not recommended)

A (typical) user will set up a developer account. with certain fields:

If looking for more robust means of authentication:

The typical authentication/credentialization flow looks like:

LOGIN -> GRANT ACCESS -> receive access code -> REQUEST TOKENS -> build Credentials -> store Credentials

Streamlined Approach

After you've setup a developer account simply use:

tools/> <Client ID/Conumer Key> <Credentials Path> <Credentials Password>

It will open up an embedded web browser to login and grant access. It will then handle all the background steps and store a password protected Credentials file to disk. Going forward - until the refresh token expires in 90 days - you'll simply use the API to load the Credentials file on demand.

In order to use you'll need python and the python bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework (pip install cefpython3) and a working tdma_api python package (python/> python install) that can load the underlying C library(see above).

There are a number of custom switches, use /> python --help to view.

Manual Approach

Use tools/get-access-code.html in your web browser to grant access and receive an access code.

If you're able to retreive an access code, securely record it. IF NOT (e.g. your browser doesn't show the popup for parsing the redirect url and returns Access Code: undefined) record the ENTIRE url returned from the grant access/login redirect error page(the long string in the browser address bar).

If you have the access code you can do one of the following:

If you don't have the access code but have the redirect url you can do one of the following:


References/Pointers to a Credentials object are passed to various objects and functions throughout the API.

If not using one of the python tools mentioned above you can build a Credentials object by passing an access code directly to the library.

    RequestAccessToken(string code, string client_id, string redirect_uri="");

       code          ::  the access code retrieved
       client_id     ::  the client id used to set up the account
       redirect_uri  ::  the redirect uri used to set up the account

    inline int
    RequestAccessToken( const char* code,
                        const char* client_id,
                        const char* redirect_uri,
                        struct Credentials* pcreds );

        pcreds :: a pointer to a Credentials struct to be populated
        returns -> 0 on success, error code on failure

    [C, C++]
    struct Credentials{
        char *access_token;
        char *refresh_token;
        long long epoch_sec_token_expiration;
        char *client_id;

    def auth.request_access_token(code, client, redirect_uri=""):
        returns -> Credentials class
        throws CLibException on error

    class auth.Credentials(_Structure):
        _fields = [
            ("access_token", c_char_p),
            ("refresh_token", c_char_p),
            ("epoch_sec_token_expiration", c_longlong),
            ("client_id", c_char_p)

    public class Auth {    
        public static Credentials
        requestAccessToken(String code, String clientID, String redirectURI) throws  CLibException;

        public static Credentials
        requestAccessToken(String code, String clientID) throws  CLibException;
        public static class Credentials {    
            public String getAccessToken();    
            public void setAccessToken(String accessToken) throws  CLibException;    

            public String getRefreshToken();    
            public void setRefreshToken(String refreshToken) throws  CLibException;    

            public long    getEpochSecTokenExpiration();    
            public void setEpochSecTokenExpiration( long epochSecTokenExpiration ) 
                    throws  CLibException;    

            public String getClientID();     
            public void setClientID( String clientID ) throws  CLibException;

When done accessing the API the Credential object should be stored to disk. The file will be encrypted with the password provided.

    StoreCredentials(string path, string password, const Credentials& creds)

        path      ::  the full path of the file to store in
        password  ::  the password used for AES256_CBC encryption
        creds     ::  the Credentials struct returned from 'RequestAccessToken'

    inline int
    StoreCredentials( const char* path,
                      const char* password,
                      const struct Credentials* pcreds )

        pcreds :: a pointer to the Credentials struct to store
        returns -> 0 on success, error code on failure

    def auth.store_credentials(path, password, creds):
        creds :: the Credentials instance returned from 'request_access_token'
        throws CLibException on error

    public class Auth{
        public static void
        storeCredentials(String path, String password, Credentials creds) throws  CLibException;

In the future a new Credential object can be loaded from the saved credentials file.

    LoadCredentials(string path, string password)

        path      ::  the full path of the file previously stored in
        password  ::  the password used above

    inline int
    LoadCredentials( const char* path,
                     const char* password,
                     struct Credentials* pcreds )

        pcreds :: a pointer to the Credentials struct to load into
        returns -> 0 on success, error code on failure

    def auth.load_credentials(path, password):
        returns -> Credentials instance
        throws CLibException on error

    public class Auth{
        public static Credentials
        loadCredentials(String path, String password) throws CLibException; 

To avoid having to manually load and save each time your code runs - and risking program termination without storing the (likely) updated Credentials - use a CredentialsManager to automatically load and store on construction and destruction(or the exiting of a try-with-resource block in java).

    struct CredentialsManager{
        Credentials credentials;
        string path;
        string password;
        CredentialsManager(string path, string password)
            : credentials( LoadCredentials(path, password) ),
              path( path ),
              password( password )
        virtual ~CredentialsManager()
        { StoreCredentials(path, password, credentials);}

    #Context Manager
    class auth.CredentialsManager:
        def __init__(self, path, password, verbose=False):
        def __enter__(self):
        def __exit__(self, _1, _2, _3);

    public static class CredentialsManager implements AutoCloseable {
        public CredentialsManager(String path, String password) throws CLibException;

        public void close() throws CLibException;

        public Credentials getCredentials() { return credentials; }
        public String getPath() { return path; }
        public void setPath(String path) { this.path = path; }
        public String getPassword() { return password; }
        public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; }                

Just use the .credentials member (or the .getCredentials() method in Java) as an argument for the API calls, where required. Keep in mind, with this approach the password will be stored in memory, in plain-text, for the life of the CredentialsManager object.

Since the library allocates memory for the Credential fields do not assign to these fields directly. If, for some reason, you need to change them you should create a new instance (and destroy the old, if necessary).

    static inline int
    CreateCredentials( const char* access_token
                       const char* refresh_token,
                       long long epoch_sec_token_expiration,
                       const char *client_id,
                       struct Credentials *pcreds);

    Credentials::Credentials( const char* access_token,
                              const char* refresh_token,
                              long long epoch_sec_token_expiration,
                              const char *client_id );

    def auth.Credentials.Create(access_token, refresh_token, 
                                epoch_sec_token_expiration, client_id):
        returns -> Credentials instance
        throws CLibException on error

    public class Auth{
        public static class Credentials {
            public Credentials( String accessToken, String refreshToken, 
                    long epochSecTokenExpiration, String clientID) throws  CLibException;

C code should explicitly close the Credentials object to deallocate the underlying resources. (C++, Python, and Java do this for you.)

inline int
CloseCredentials(struct Credentials* pcreds );




A C++ module for TDAmeritradeAPI that attempts to abstract away the details of retrieving historical and streaming data, providing an indexable interface while caching historical data to disk.

Option Symbols

To construct a standard option symbol that can be used with the certain getter and execution objects:

inline std::string
BuildOptionSymbol( const std::string& underlying,
                     unsigned int month,
                     unsigned int day,
                     unsigned int year,
                     bool is_call,
                     double strike )

static inline int
BuildOptionSymbol( const char* underlying,
                     unsigned int month,
                     unsigned int day,
                     unsigned int year,
                     int is_call,
                     double strike,
                     char **buf,
                     size_t *n )

def common.build_option_symbol(underlying, month, day, year, is_call, strike):
    returns -> str

public class TDAmeritradeAPI{
    public static String
    buildOptionSymbol(String underlying, int month, int day, int year, boolean is_call, double strike) 
        throws CLibException;

This is not guaranteed to work on all underlying types but generally:

BuildOptionSymbol("SPY", 1, 17, 2020, true, 300.00) --> "SPY_011720C300"

For Example:

string spy_c300 = BuildOptionSymbol("SPY", 1, 17, 2020, true, 300.00);
string spy_p250 = BuildOptionSymbol("SPY", 1, 17, 2020, false, 250.00);

QuotesGetter qg(creds, {spy_c300, spy_p250});

If using C don't forget to call FreeBuffer on the populated 'buf' when done.

To check if a standard option symbol string is formatted properly:

inline void
CheckOptionSymbol( const std::string& symbol )

static inline int
CheckOptionSymbol( const char* symbol )

def common.check_option_symbol( symbol ):

public class TDAmeritradeAPI{
    public static void
    checkOptionSymbol(String symbol) throws CLibException

Invalid symbols will throw (C++,Python,Java) with a description of issue, or return TDMA_API_VALUE_ERROR(C). C code can use LastErrorMsg to get a description of the issue.


TDAmeritradeAPI is released under the GNU General Public License(GPL); a copy (LICENSE.txt) should be included. If not, see The author reserves the right to issue current and/or future versions of TDAmeritradeAPI under other licensing agreements. Any party that wishes to use TDAmeritradeAPI, in whole or in part, in any way not explicitly stipulated by the GPL - including, but not limited to, commercial use - is thereby required to obtain a separate license from the author. The author reserves all other rights.

TDAmeritradeAPI includes 3rd party material operating under different licensing agreements which, although requiring adherence, do not to subsume or subordinate this agreement.

This software/program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. By choosing to use this software/program - under the broadest interpretation of the term 'use' - you absolve the author of ANY and ALL responsibility, for ANY and ALL damages incurred; even damages resulting from the author's gross negligence; damages including, but not limited to, those arising from the accuracy, timeliness, responsiveness, and general operation of the aformentioned software/program.