jepiqueau / jeep-sqlite

Stencil component to create SQLite database and query it in the browser
MIT License
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Built With Stencil


jeep-sqliteis a Stencil component to create SQLite database and query it in the browser. The entire database is stored in an IndexedDB store named jeepSQLiteStore in a table databases. Multiple databases can be stored on this table.

jeep-sqlite is based on sql.jsfor SQLite queries and localforagefor database storage in IndexedDB.

This component might be used in PWA applications. It will also be used in the web implementation of the @capacitor-community-sqlite.

This is the reason for having similar API than the @capacitor-community-sqlite. Look at the @capacitor-community-sqlitedocumentation and

It will be used at that stage to test the integration with the @capacitor-community-sqlite but can also be used in development of Stencil or Ionic/Angular applications.

Integration in other frameworks (Vue, React, Ionic/Vue, Ionic/React,SolidJS) are alos available.

Stencil is also great for building entire apps. For that, use the stencil-app-starter instead.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you get this message

I am getting the following error in console in ionic Application.
Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: x is not a function
TypeError: x is not a function
at x (jeep-sqlite.entry.js:2648:80)
at f.onRuntimeInitialized (jeep-sqlite.entry.js:2555:318) 

means that you have to copy the sql-wasm.wasm from node_modules/sql.js/dist/sql-wasm.wasm to your application assets directory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The main change is related to the delete table's rows when a synchronization table exists as well as a last_mofidied table's column, allowing for database synchronization of the local database with a remote server database.

An example of using this new feature is given in the index_delete.html file. It has been used to test the validity of the implementation.

Getting Started

Script tag

<script type="module" src=""></script>

in the head of your index.html

Node Modules

In a stencil-starter app

Supported methods

Name Web
open (non-encrypted DB)
deleteExportedRows NEW in 1.5.0
getFromHTTPRequest New in 1.6.3
getFromLocalDiskToStore New in 2.3.0
saveToLocalDisk New in 2.3.0

The database is saved when you run the methods closeor closeConnection, in the Browser Storage IndexedDB as a localforage store under the jeepSqliteStore name and databasestable name.

The copyFromAssets required to have a databases.jsonfile having the name of the databases in the assets/databases

The databases.json file is for example

  "databaseList" : [

if dbForCopy.db and myDBSQLite.db are databases located in the assets/databases folder.

Supported Events

Name Web


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=5.0" />
    <title>Stencil Component Starter</title>

    <script type="module" src=""></script>
    <script nomodule src=""></script>
  (async () => {
    await customElements.whenDefined('jeep-sqlite');
    const jeepSqlite = document.querySelector('jeep-sqlite');
      let result = await jeepSqlite.echo("Hello World from Jeep");
      if(await jeepSqlite.isStoreOpen()) {
          try {

            // *** test all basic methods
            await jeepSqlite.createConnection({
                      version: 1
              // open db testNew
              await{database: "testNew"});
              const isDB = await jeepSqlite.isDBOpen({database: "testNew"})
              let sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,email TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL,name TEXT,company TEXT,size REAL,age INTEGER,last_modified INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now')));";
              sql += "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS users_index_name ON users (name);";
              sql += "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS users_index_last_modified ON users (last_modified);";
              sql += "CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS users_trigger_last_modified AFTER UPDATE ON users FOR EACH ROW WHEN NEW.last_modified < OLD.last_modified BEGIN UPDATE users SET last_modified= (strftime('%s', 'now')) WHERE; END;";
              sql += "PRAGMA user_version = 1;";
              let ret = await jeepSqlite.execute({database: "testNew", statements: sql});
              ret = await jeepSqlite.isTableExists({database: "testNew", table: "users"});
              ret = await jeepSqlite.isTableExists({database: "testNew", table: "contact"});
              // create synchronization table
              ret = await jeepSqlite.createSyncTable({database: "testNew"});
              // set the synchronization date
              let syncDate = "2021-08-01T08:42:25.000Z";
              await jeepSqlite.setSyncDate({database: "testNew", syncdate: syncDate});
              // get the synchronization date
              ret = await jeepSqlite.getSyncDate({database: "testNew"});
              if(ret.syncDate !== 1627807345) {
                throw new Error("Get the synchronization date failed");
              // Insert some Users
              const row = [["Whiteley","",30,1.83],["Jones","",44,1.75]];
              let delUsers = `DELETE FROM users;`;
              delUsers += `VACUUM;`;
              ret = await jeepSqlite.execute({database: "testNew", statements: delUsers, transaction: false});
              let twoUsers = `INSERT INTO users (name,email,age,size) VALUES ("${row[0][0]}","${row[0][1]}",${row[0][2]},${row[0][3]});`;
              twoUsers += `INSERT INTO users (name,email,age,size) VALUES ("${row[1][0]}","${row[1][1]}",${row[1][2]},${row[1][3]});`;
              ret = await jeepSqlite.execute({database: "testNew", statements: twoUsers});
              if (ret.changes.changes !== 2) {
                throw new Error("Execute 3 users failed");
              // Save Database to store
              await jeepSqlite.saveToStore({database: "testNew"});
              // Select all users
              ret = await jeepSqlite.query({database: "testNew",
                                            statement: "SELECT * FROM users;"});
              // Select users where size > 1.80
              ret = await jeepSqlite.query({database: "testNew",
                                            statement: "SELECT * FROM users where size > ?;",
              // add one user with statement and values
              let sqlcmd = "INSERT INTO users (name,email,age,size,company) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)";
              let values = ["Simpson","",69,1.82,null];
              ret = await{database: "testNew",
                                            statement: sqlcmd,
                                            values: values});
              if(ret.changes.lastId !== 3) {
                throw new Error("Run 1 user failed");
              // add one user with statement
              sqlcmd = `INSERT INTO users (name,email,age,size,company) VALUES ` +
              ret = await{database: "testNew",
                          statement: sqlcmd});
              if(ret.changes.lastId !== 4) {
                throw new Error("Run 2 user failed");
              // Select all users
              ret = await jeepSqlite.query({database: "testNew",
                                            statement: "SELECT * FROM users;"});
              if(ret.values.length != 4) {
                throw new Error("Query 3 user failed");

              // *** test ExecuteSet
              await jeepSqlite.createConnection({
                      version: 1
              ret = await jeepSqlite.isDBExists({database:"testSet"});
              if (ret.result) {
                await jeepSqlite.deleteDatabase({database:"testSet"});
              const createSchemaContacts = `
                CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS contacts (
                  id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
                  email TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL,
                  name TEXT,
                  FirstName TEXT,
                  company TEXT,
                  size REAL,
                  age INTEGER,
                  MobileNumber TEXT
                CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS contacts_index_name ON contacts (name);
                CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS contacts_index_email ON contacts (email);
                PRAGMA user_version = 1;
              // open db testSet
              await{database: "testSet"});
              const isDBSet = await jeepSqlite.isDBOpen({database: "testSet"})
              const setContacts = [
                { statement:"INSERT INTO contacts (name,FirstName,email,company,age,MobileNumber) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?);",
                { statement:"INSERT INTO contacts (name,FirstName,email,company,age,MobileNumber) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?);",
                { statement:"UPDATE contacts SET age = ? , MobileNumber = ? WHERE id = ?;",
              // Create testSet schema
              ret = await jeepSqlite.execute({database: "testSet", statements: createSchemaContacts});
              // Create testSet contact
              ret = await jeepSqlite.executeSet({database: "testSet", set: setContacts});
              if (ret.changes.changes !== 5) {
                return Promise.reject(new Error("ExecuteSet 5 contacts failed"));

              // *** test Import from Json
              const dataToImport = {
                database : "db-from-json",
                version : 1,
                encrypted : false,
                mode : "full",
                tables :[
                    name: "users",
                    schema: [
                        {column:"id", value: "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL"},
                        {column:"email", value:"TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL"},
                        {column:"name", value:"TEXT"},
                        {column:"age", value:"REAL"},
                        {column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER"}
                    indexes: [
                        {name: "index_user_on_name",value: "name"},
                        {name: "index_user_on_last_modified",value: "last_modified DESC"},
                        {name: "index_user_on_email_name", value: "email ASC, name", mode: "UNIQUE"}
                    values: [
                    name: "messages",
                    schema: [
                      {column:"id", value: "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL"},
                      {column:"title", value:"TEXT NOT NULL"},
                      {column:"body", value:"TEXT NOT NULL"},
                      {column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER"}
                    values: [
                        [1,"test post 1","content test post 1",1587310030],
                        [2,"test post 2","content test post 2",1590388125]
              // test Json object validity
              result = await jeepSqlite.isJsonValid({jsonstring: JSON.stringify(dataToImport)});
              if(!result.result) {
                return Promise.reject(new Error("IsJsonValid failed"));
              // full import
              result = await jeepSqlite.importFromJson({jsonstring: JSON.stringify(dataToImport)});
              if(result.changes.changes === -1 ) return Promise.reject(new Error("ImportFromJson 'full' dataToImport failed"));
              // create the connection to the database
              await jeepSqlite.createConnection({database:"db-from-json", version: 1});
              // open db testNew
              await{database: "db-from-json"});
              const isDBJson = await jeepSqlite.isDBOpen({database: "db-from-json"})
              if (!isDBJson.result) return Promise.reject(new Error("isDBOpen 'db-from-json' failed"));
              // create synchronization table
              ret = await jeepSqlite.createSyncTable({database: "db-from-json"});
              if (result.changes.changes < 0) return Promise.reject(new Error("CreateSyncTable failed"));
              ret = await jeepSqlite.getSyncDate({database: "db-from-json"});
              if(ret.length === 0) return Promise.reject(new Error("GetSyncDate failed"));
              // Select all users
              ret = await jeepSqlite.query({database: "db-from-json",
                                            statement: "SELECT * FROM users;"});
              if(ret.values.length !== 4 ||
                    ret.values[0].name !== "Whiteley" ||
                    ret.values[1].name !== "Jones" ||
                    ret.values[2].name !== "Simpson" ||
                    ret.values[3].name !== "Brown"  ) {
                return Promise.reject(new Error("Query 1 db-from-json Users failed"));
              await jeepSqlite.closeConnection({database:"db-from-json"});

              const partialImport1 = {
                database : "db-from-json",
                version : 1,
                encrypted : false,
                mode : "partial",
                tables :[
                      name: "users",
                      values: [

              // test Json object validity
              result = await jeepSqlite.isJsonValid({jsonstring: JSON.stringify(partialImport1)});
              if(!result.result) {
                return Promise.reject(new Error("IsJsonValid failed"));
              // partial import
              result = await jeepSqlite.importFromJson({jsonstring: JSON.stringify(partialImport1)});
              if(result.changes.changes === -1 ) return Promise.reject(new Error("ImportFromJson 'partial1' dataToImport failed"));

              const partialImport2 = {
                database : "db-from-json",
                version : 1,
                encrypted : false,
                mode : "partial",
                tables :[
                    name: "messages",

                    indexes: [
                      {name: "index_messages_on_title",value: "title"},
                      {name: "index_messages_on_last_modified",value: "last_modified DESC"}

                    values: [
                        [3,"test post 3","content test post 3",1590396146],
                        [4,"test post 4","content test post 4",1590396288]
              result = await jeepSqlite.importFromJson({jsonstring: JSON.stringify(partialImport2)});
              if(result.changes.changes === -1 ) return Promise.reject(new Error("ImportFromJson 'partial2' dataToImport failed"));

              const partialImport3 = {
                database : "db-from-json",
                version : 1,
                encrypted : false,
                mode : "partial",
                tables :[
                    name: "test113",
                    schema: [
                      {column:"id", value: "TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL"},
                      {column:"name", value:"TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL"},
                      {column:"code", value:"TEXT"},
                      {column:"last_modified", value:"INTEGER"}
                    indexes: [
                      {name: "index_test113_on_title",value: "name"},
                      {name: "index_test113_on_last_modified",value: "last_modified DESC"}

                    values: [
              result = await jeepSqlite.importFromJson({jsonstring: JSON.stringify(partialImport3)});
              if(result.changes.changes === -1 ) return Promise.reject(new Error("ImportFromJson 'partial3' dataToImport failed"));

              // create the connection to the database
              await jeepSqlite.createConnection({database:"db-from-json", version: 1});
              // open db testNew
              await{database: "db-from-json"});
              // Select all users
              ret = await jeepSqlite.query({database: "db-from-json",
                                            statement: "SELECT * FROM users;"});
              if(ret.values.length !== 6 ||
                    ret.values[0].name !== "Whiteley" ||
                    ret.values[1].name !== "Jones" ||
                    ret.values[2].name !== "Simpson" ||
                    ret.values[3].name !== "Brown" ||
                    ret.values[4].name !== "Addington" ||
                    ret.values[5].name !== "Bannister" ) {
                return Promise.reject(new Error("Query 2 db-from-json Users failed"));

              // Select all messages
              ret = await jeepSqlite.query({database: "db-from-json",
                                            statement: "SELECT * FROM messages;"});
              if(ret.values.length !== 4 ||
                    ret.values[0].title !== "test post 1" ||
                    ret.values[1].title !== "test post 2" ||
                    ret.values[2].title !== "test post 3" ||
                    ret.values[3].title !== "test post 4" ) {
                return Promise.reject(new Error("Query 3 db-from-json Messages failed"));

              // *** test Export to Json
              // test full export
              let jsonObj = await jeepSqlite.exportToJson({database: "db-from-json",jsonexportmode: 'full'});
              // test Json object validity
              result = await jeepSqlite.isJsonValid({jsonstring: JSON.stringify(jsonObj.export)});
              if(!result.result) {
                return Promise.reject(new Error("IsJsonValid 'full' export failed"));
              //test partial export
              syncDate = "2020-05-20T18:40:00.000Z";
              await jeepSqlite.setSyncDate({database: "db-from-json", syncdate: syncDate});
              jsonObj = await jeepSqlite.exportToJson({database: "db-from-json",jsonexportmode: 'partial'});
              // test Json object validity
              result = await jeepSqlite.isJsonValid({jsonstring: JSON.stringify(jsonObj.export)});
              if(!result.result) {
                return Promise.reject(new Error("IsJsonValid 'partial' export failed"));
              if(jsonObj.export.tables.length != 3 || jsonObj.export.tables[0].name != 'users'
                  || jsonObj.export.tables[1].name != 'messages'
                  || jsonObj.export.tables[2].name != 'test113'
                  || jsonObj.export.tables[0].values.length != 4
                  || jsonObj.export.tables[1].values.length != 3
                  || jsonObj.export.tables[2].values.length != 2) {
                return Promise.reject(new Error("IsJsonValid 'partial' export failed: No 4 tables"));

              await jeepSqlite.closeConnection({database:"testNew"});
              await jeepSqlite.closeConnection({database:"testSet"});
              await jeepSqlite.closeConnection({database:"db-from-json"});

              // *** test copy from asset ***

              await jeepSqlite.copyFromAssets();
              // create connection to myDB
              await jeepSqlite.createConnection({database:"myDB",version: 1});
              // open db myDB
              await{database: "myDB"});
              let statement = `SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';`;
              // Select all tables
              ret = await jeepSqlite.query({database: "myDB",
                                            statement: statement});
              if(ret.values.length !== 3 ||
                  ret.values[0].name !== "users" ||
                  ret.values[1].name !== "messages" ||
                  ret.values[2].name !== "sync_table"
              ) {
                throw new Error("Query MyDB Tables failed");

              // Select all users
              ret = await jeepSqlite.query({database: "myDB",
                                            statement: "SELECT * FROM users;"});
              if(ret.values.length != 7 ||
                  ret.values[0].name !== "Whiteley" ||
                  ret.values[1].name !== "Jones" ||
                  ret.values[2].name !== "Simpson" ||
                  ret.values[3].name !== "Brown" ||
                  ret.values[4].name !== "Jackson" ||
                  ret.values[5].name !== "Kennedy" ||
                  ret.values[6].name !== "Bush"
              ) {
                throw new Error("Query MyDB Users failed");
              await jeepSqlite.closeConnection({database:"myDB"});
              // create connection to dbForCopy
              await jeepSqlite.createConnection({database:"dbForCopy",version: 1});
              // open db myDB
              await{database: "dbForCopy"});
              // Select all users
              ret = await jeepSqlite.query({database: "dbForCopy",
                                            statement: "SELECT * FROM areas;"});
              if(ret.values.length != 3 ||
                  ret.values[0].name !== "Access road" ||
                  ret.values[1].name !== "Accessway" ||
                  ret.values[2].name !== "Air handling system"              ) {
                throw new Error("Query dbForCopy Areas failed");
              await jeepSqlite.closeConnection({database:"dbForCopy"});

              // *** test upgrade version ***
              // create database version 1
              await jeepSqlite.createConnection({
                      version: 1
              // delete the database if exists (multiple runs)
              ret = await jeepSqlite.isDBExists({database:"test-updversion"});
              if (ret.result) {
                await jeepSqlite.deleteDatabase({database:"test-updversion"});
              // open db test-updversion
              await{database: "test-updversion"});
              const createSchemaVersion1 = `
                CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (
                  id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
                  email TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL,
                  name TEXT,
                  company TEXT,
                  size REAL,
                  age INTEGER,
                  last_modified INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))
                CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS users_index_name ON users (name);
                CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS users_index_last_modified ON users (last_modified);
                CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS users_trigger_last_modified
                  AFTER UPDATE ON users
                  FOR EACH ROW WHEN NEW.last_modified < OLD.last_modified
                      UPDATE users SET last_modified= (strftime('%s', 'now')) WHERE;
              // Create test-updversion schema
              ret = await jeepSqlite.execute({database: "test-updversion", statements: createSchemaVersion1});
              if (ret.changes.changes < 0) {
                throw new Error("Execute createSchemaVersion1 failed");
              // Insert some Users
              const rowU = [["Whiteley","",30.5],["Jones","",44]];
              const twoUsersU = `
                DELETE FROM users;
                INSERT INTO users (name,email,age) VALUES ("${rowU[0][0]}","${rowU[0][1]}",${rowU[0][2]});
                INSERT INTO users (name,email,age) VALUES ("${rowU[1][0]}","${rowU[1][1]}",${rowU[1][2]});
              ret = await jeepSqlite.execute({database: "test-updversion", statements: twoUsersU});
              if (ret.changes.changes !== 2) {
                throw new Error("Execute twoUsers failed");
              // Select all users
              ret = await jeepSqlite.query({database: "test-updversion",
                                            statement: "SELECT * FROM users;"});
              if(ret.values.length !== 2 ||
                    ret.values[0].name !== "Whiteley" ||
                    ret.values[1].name !== "Jones") {
                throw new Error("Query 2 Users failed");
              await jeepSqlite.closeConnection({database:"test-updversion"});
              // create version 2 of test-updversion
              const createSchemaVersion2 = `
                CREATE TABLE users (
                  id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
                  email TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL,
                  name TEXT,
                  company TEXT,
                  country TEXT,
                  age INTEGER,
                  last_modified INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now'))
                CREATE TABLE messages (
                  id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
                  userid INTEGER,
                  title TEXT NOT NULL,
                  body TEXT NOT NULL,
                  last_modified INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now')),
                  FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE SET DEFAULT
                CREATE INDEX users_index_name ON users (name);
                CREATE INDEX users_index_last_modified ON users (last_modified);
                CREATE INDEX messages_index_title ON messages (title);
                CREATE INDEX messages_index_last_modified ON messages (last_modified);
                CREATE TRIGGER users_trigger_last_modified
                  AFTER UPDATE ON users
                  FOR EACH ROW WHEN NEW.last_modified < OLD.last_modified
                      UPDATE users SET last_modified= (strftime('%s', 'now')) WHERE;
                CREATE TRIGGER messages_trigger_last_modified
                  AFTER UPDATE ON messages
                  FOR EACH ROW WHEN NEW.last_modified < OLD.last_modified
                      UPDATE messages SET last_modified= (strftime('%s', 'now')) WHERE;
              setArrayVersion2 = [
                { statement:"INSERT INTO messages (userid,title,body) VALUES (?,?,?);",
                    [1,"test message 1","content test message 1"],
                    [2,"test message 2","content test message 2"],
                    [1,"test message 3","content test message 3"]
                { statement:"UPDATE users SET country = ?  WHERE id = ?;",
                  values:["United Kingdom",1]
                { statement:"UPDATE users SET country = ?  WHERE id = ?;",

              await jeepSqlite.addUpgradeStatement({database: "test-updversion",
                upgrade: [{fromVersion: 1, toVersion: 2, statement: createSchemaVersion2,
                           set: setArrayVersion2}]

              await jeepSqlite.createConnection({
                      version: 2
              await{database: "test-updversion"});
              // select all user's country in db
              ret = await jeepSqlite.query({database: "test-updversion",
                                            statement: "SELECT country FROM users;"});
              if(ret.values.length !== 2 ||
                    ret.values[0].country !== "United Kingdom" ||
                    ret.values[1].country !== "Australia") {
                throw new Error("Query Version 2 Users failed");
              // select all messages for user 1
              const userMessages = `
                SELECT,messages.title,messages.body FROM users
                INNER JOIN messages ON = messages.userid
                WHERE = ?;
              ret = await jeepSqlite.query({database: "test-updversion",
                                            statement: userMessages,
                                            values : [1]});
              if(ret.values.length !== 2 ||
                  ret.values[0].name !== "Whiteley" ||
                  ret.values[0].title !== "test message 1" ||
                  ret.values[1].name !== "Whiteley" ||
                  ret.values[1].title !== "test message 3") {
                return Promise.reject(new Error("Query Messages User 1 Version 2 failed"));
              // select all messages for user 2
              ret = await jeepSqlite.query({database: "test-updversion",
                                            statement: userMessages,
                                            values : [2]});
              if(ret.values.length !== 1 ||
                  ret.values[0].name !== "Jones" ||
                  ret.values[0].title !== "test message 2") {
                return Promise.reject(new Error("Query Messages User 2 Version 2 failed"));
              // close the connection test-updversion
              await jeepSqlite.closeConnection({database:"test-updversion"});

              console.log("db success");
          } catch (err) {
            console.log(`Error ${err}`);
      } else {
        console.log("store creation failed")

- From Local Disk to Store -

A database can be read from the local disk by using the File System Access API, save to the store, open through a standard connection.

Standard CRUD operations can then being performed, the modifications are save to the store for persistent storage during the session on user's request or at the connection close.

Before closing the connection, the database might also be saved back to the local disk for secure persistent storage (backup) and/or database visibility through the use of SQLite third party tools like DB Browser for SQLite.