jepiqueau / vue-sqlite-app-starter

Ionic/Vue App Starter demonstrating the use of @capacitor-community/sqlite
MIT License
18 stars 4 forks source link

Ionic/Vue SQLite App Starter


Ionic/Vue application demonstrating the use of the

@capacitor-community/sqlite plugin


## Maintainers | Maintainer | GitHub | Social | | ----------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------ | | Quéau Jean Pierre | [jepiqueau]( | | ## 🚧 To be Updated 🚧 The components `EncryptionTest.vue` and `UpgradeVersionTest.vue`have still to be created ## Installation To start clone the project ```bash git clone cd ./vue-sqlite-app-starter git remote remove origin npm install npm run electron:install ``` To install the latest release of the ```@capacitor-community/sqlite``` plugin ```bash npm run update ``` ## Running the app The assets databases should be in the `public/assets/databases`folder ### BROWSER ``` npx run serve ``` or ``` ionic serve ``` ### IOS ``` npm run ionic:ios ``` Once Xcode launches, you can build your app through the standard Xcode workflow. ### ANDROID ``` npx cap open android ``` Once Android Studio launches, make sure that you are using - Gradle JDK version 11 - Android Gradle Plugin Version 7.2.2 and build your app through the standard Android Studio workflow. ### ELECTRON ``` npm run electron:start ``` ## Accessing the tests 🚧 Go to the Tab2 of the application ## Contributors ✨ Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](

This project follows the [all-contributors]( specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!