jerabaul29 / Cylinder2DFlowControlDRL

code for performing active flow control of the 2D Karman street using Deep Reinforcement Learning
MIT License
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NOTE: in a follow-up work, we have parallelized the DRL part of the training. The code and container are also made available. If you want to use our code as a starting point for your own work, we strongly recommend to consider starting with the parallel code, rather than the code in this repository. The parallel code is simply more modern, and overall better. It is available at: .

NOTE: cloning this repository may take quite a bit of time, because the full singularity container is committed through git-lfs in the container folder. The upside is that this makes all the code here "fully reproducible forever", the downside is that cloning takes time: be patient :) .


This repository performs Flow Control of the 2D Kármán Vortex Street with Deep Reinforcement Learning. The simulations are done with FEniCS, while the Reinforcement Learning is performed with the help of the library TensorForce. You will need Fenics, Tensorflow, Tensorforce and Gmsh available on your system in order to be able to run the code, and all in the right versions (see later down to get our container).

A question? Open an issue. An improvement? Make a push request.

Basically, this repository allows you to produce results like the following, where top is baseline, bottom is controlled flow:

Update: training in parallel

We are working on parallelization of the DRL algorithm through the use of several environments. See our preprint here:

and the repository with the parallel learning code here:

Update: coupling with spectral CFD code released by another research group

The DRL control can be coupled with a variety of CFD codes, and this was recently released by Li and Zhang, Reinforcement-learning-based control of confined cylinder wakes with stability analyses, in the case of Nek5000. Their code is available at: . That may also be a good further materials :) .

What is in the repo ?

The code is in the Cylinder2DFlowControlWithRL subfolder. Inside it, you will find :

In addition, there is a folder about LearningMaterial that should be useful for people with no background in DRL / PPO. Following the links and looking at the videos should be enough to get you started in the field.


This code corresponds to the articles:

If you use our code in your research, please consider citing our papers:

Rabault, J., Kuchta, M., Jensen, A., Reglade, U., Cerardi, N., 2018. Artificial Neural Networks trained through Deep Reinforcement Learning discover control strategies for active flow control. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.07664.

Rabault, J., Reglade, U., Cerardi, N., Kuchta, M. and Jensen, A., 2018. Deep Reinforcement Learning achieves flow control of the 2D Karman Vortex Street. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.10754.

Rabault, J., Kuchta, M., Jensen, A., Réglade, U., & Cerardi, N. (2019). Artificial neural networks trained through deep reinforcement learning discover control strategies for active flow control. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 865, 281-302. doi:10.1017/jfm.2019.62

In addition, some slides of a lecture about this work are available on my website:

Note that, in the first article (and the JFM article), we adopt a renormalization where the diameter of the cylinder is 1. In both the second article and the code, the renormalization is a bit different and follows what is done in the Turek benchmark. This simply means that lengths and times are scaled a factor 10 between the simulations / second article and the first one

Video of the lecture at AFMS

I was recently invited to give a guest lecture about DRL for flow control at AFMS; the recording is available at: .

AFMS guest lecture: DRL for flow control

You can find the corresponding slides at: .

First steps

I present two methods here: install everything by hand in the right versions, or use a singularity container for virtualization and reproducibility. The singularity container is the recommended solution, that has been tested at many institutions and reproducibility has been confirmed and validated. Several users who tried to install things by hand contacted me because they had problem to reproduce the software stack: this is not the recommended solution and I will not help with debugging problems you encounter in this case.

Installing by hand (discouraged)

Before launching any script, check that you have installed (tested on Ubuntu 16.04) :

For this, you can either install these modules on your computer yourself (respecting the version / commit, otherwise some things may break), or use the singularity image we provide (recommended). Some of the steps below assume that you are working on a Linux machine, but you can adapt to a windows / Mac.

Using through our container (recommended)

If you want to use our singularity container (recommended, credits to Terje Kvernes, UiO / IT of the Department of Mathematics for setting up this infrastructure):

Remember to check the checksum to make sure that the image was correctly assembled.

singularity shell SET_YOUR_PATH/fenics-and-more.img -c "export DISPLAY=:0.0 && export PATH="SET_YOUR_PATH/gmsh-git-Linux64/bin:$PATH" && /bin/bash"

Note that if you want to execute on an external media, you can type a command as following, but you will also need a copy of gmsh on the corresponding media (as the -H acts as a mounting point, so your usual home will not be available anymore):

singularity shell -H SET_YOUR_BASE_PATH SET_YOUR_PATH/fenics-and-more.img -c "export DISPLAY=:0.0 && export PATH="SET_YOUR_BASE_PATH/gmsh-git-Linux64/bin:$PATH" && /bin/bash"

This singularity image contains tensorflow, tensorforce, fenics, and a Python install with the packages you need to run our scripts. If you want to mesh, you have to make sure that the path export to your gmsh is valid (the path export works only from folders visible to singularity, i.e. under the SET_YOUR_BASE_PATH in the tree). If you have problems with the gmsh calls, you may also hard code the paths to gmsh in the calls lines 35 and 52 in Cylinder2DFlowControlWithRL/, putting the path to the gmsh in your cloned repo. If you do this, remember to make gmsh executable first (chmod +x gmsh).

Launching one episode without training

Without controlling the flow

Go in Cylinder2DFlowControlWithRL/baseline_flow. Just launch to look at the baseline flow. During the computation, the graphical interface shows the state of the flow, and the data is saved in baseline_flow/results for the vtu files, and in baseline_flow/saved_models for the csv files.

With a control

Go in Cylinder2DFlowControlWithRL/ANN_controlled_flow_singlerun. This folder contains a copy of one of our best model. The velocity field shown in our article stems from this model. You can run this model by launching

Launching a training session

Go in Cylinder2DFlowControlWithRL/ANN_controlled_flow_learning. You will see that this folder contains less elements than ANN_controlled_flow_singlerun. Indeed, we made a copy and deleted the results from the learning session. You can try to launch a session, it will have the same parameters as ANN_controlled_flow_singlerun, and you can compare the model you obtain with ours.

To start a learning, launch This will create three directories: results, saved_models, and best_model.

results contains the .vtu outputs for the pressure, velocity, and the recirculation area for the last epoch.

saved_models contains the last stat of the ANN, as well as output.csv, the history of the training, debug.csv, the history of the console debug. Please note that if the training is interrupted, it will automatically restart from it's last save.

Finally, best_model contains the save of the best neural network encountered during the training phase.

Making a new mesh

In some situation, you will have to recreate the mesh. If you change the geometry of the simulation, for instance if you change the jets positions, you will have to do so.

For this, go in empty_simulation and run This script will create a directory mesh that contains all the needed files to start the training. This includes the mesh, as well as the converged pressure and velocity fields. If the directory already exists, it will be automatically overwritten.

By default, the graphical debug is launched, but to run this script on a distant computer, it's preferable to turn it off. Just go ahead and edit

import env
env.resume_env(plot=False, remesh=True) #plot to 500 if a graphical debug needed

Once this is finished, you have a new folder containing the mesh and converged pressure and velocity fields, and you are ready to perform more learning.

To go further

Making a new simulation of your own

We are going to see how to configure and launch a simple simulation where the jets form an angle of 5 degree with the vertical. First, we highly recommend you to run the simulations in a copy of the GitHub directory, in order to not pollute the Git with simulation results. Make a copy of the repo, and within this new folder an empty_simulation within Cylinder2DFlowControlWithRL. Rename it with an appropriate name. Here, we will call it angle5.

Now, we are going to edit This file contains all the parameters relative to the simulation. In our case we will simply set jet_angle to 5 degrees:

jet_angle = 5

Here is a non exhaustive list of all the parameters that can be changed and their effect:

Creation of the mesh

Now, just run This script will create a directory mesh that will contains all the needed files to start the training. This includes the mesh, as well as the converged pressure and velocity fields. If the directory already exists, it will be automatically overwritten.

By default, the graphical debug is launched, but to run this script on a distant computer, it's preferable to turn it off. Just go ahead and edit

import env
env.resume_env(plot=False, remesh=True) #plot to 500 if a graphical debug needed

You have a number of parameters you can adjust regarding the mesh. These are summarized in the geometry_params dictionary of the file of each simulation. You can control the shape of the cylinder and simulation box, the position and number of the jets, the mesh refinement, etc. You can also set up different input velocity profiles through the profile function of the same file.

Starting the training

To launch the training, just run This will create three directories: results, saved_models, and best_model. The first one contains the .vtu outputs for the pressure, velocity, and the recirculation area for the last epoch.

saved_models contains the last stat of the NN, as well as output.csv, the history of the training, debug.csv, the history of the console debug. Please note that if the training is interrupted, it will automatically restart from it's last save.

Finally, best_model contains the save of the best neural network encountered during the training phase.


Confusing choices in the code

Errata and problems in code

Typo in the paper