jerbob92 / hoppscotch-backend

MIT License
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Hoppscotch Backend API

This repository contains an open-source implementation of the Hoppscotch Backend to allow the collaborative features to work on a self-hosted instance of Hoppscotch.

This API has the exact same GraphQL schema as the "official" API.

This API does not store its data in Firebase (which the official probably does), but in a local MySQL database.


Get requirements up and running

MySQL (optional when using docker-compose):

docker run \
--name hoppscotch_api_mysql \
-p \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=hoppscotch \
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=hoppscotch \
-e MYSQL_USER=hoppscotch \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=hoppscotch \
-d mysql:8.0

Next runs:

docker start hoppscotch_api_mysql


You will need to create a Firebase project to get this whole thing running (frontend and backend).

Copy the .env.example in the frontend project to .env en fill in your Firebase credentials.

Generate a Firebase Admin SDK service account and reference the JSON from the config.yaml.

Create Firestore Database

Go to Firestore Rules and configure them in your firestore database.


Quickstart (Docker Compose)


This backend is available as a docker image jerbob92/hoppscotch-backend.

The configuration is expected in the working directory or the folder /etc/api-config.

When using docker, the easiest way is to mount a local configuration folder as /etc/api-config that contains your config.yaml and your Firebase Admin SDK Service User json.

If you're behind a reverse proxy, it might be useful to use /graphql for the normal GraphQL traffic, and use /graphql/ws for the Subscription/WebSocket traffic.

Frontend deployment

To connect to your own backend, you will need to set the VITE_BACKEND_GQL_URL and VITE_BACKEND_WS_URL to the correct URLs for your backend in packages/hoppscotch-app/.env when building the frontend.