jeremy-murphy / graph-ancestry

Generic graph (and tree) algorithms.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Generic graph ancestry algorithms.

And their supporting general algorithms.



  1. Graph algorithms
    1. lowest_common_ancestor (LCA), <Θ(n lg n), Θ(1)>
      • By reduction to RMQ.
      • Requires the graph to be a tree.
    2. common_ancestor_existence, <O(|V|⋅|E|), Θ(1)>
      • Uses reflect_through_sources and transitive_closure to produce an adjacency_matrix that can be queried in Θ(1).
    3. reflect_through_sources, O(|V|⋅|E|)
      • Produces graph F, which given input graph G, let G' be the reverse graph of G; then F is the result of attaching the sources of G to the sinks of G'.
  2. Graph visitors
    1. eulerian_path outputs Eulerian path of a graph.
    2. vertex_depth outputs vertex depth (for same sequence as Eulerian path).
  3. General algorithms
    1. range minimum query (RMQ), <Θ(n lg n), Θ(1)>
      • The Sparse Table implementation.

Early results

On a moderately large input (4 million integers) RMQ preprocesses in ~0.402 seconds (96 ns per element).

On a smaller input (1 million vertices), LCA preprocesses in ~0.883 seconds (842 ns per element).

Queries for both are in ~7-16 nanoseconds.

Measured on my humble Intel Core i5 mobile.