jeremyFreeAgent / Bitter

Bitter is a simple but powerful analytics library
MIT License
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Bitter Documentation

.. image:: :target:


Bitter is a simple but powerful analytics library

"Use Bitter and you have time to drink a bitter beer !"

-- Jérémy Romey

Bitter can answer following questions:

Bitter is very easy to use and enables you to create your own reports easily - see the Bitter Library <>_ website for more info and documentation about this project.


Use Composer <>_ to install: free-agent/bitter.

In your composer.json you should have:

.. code-block:: yaml

    "require": {
        "free-agent/bitter": "1.1.*"


Bitter uses `Redis <>`_  with version **>=2.6**.

**Note**: Every key created in Redis will be prefixed by ``bitter:``, temp keys by ``bitter_temp:``.

Bitter uses `Bitset PECL extension <>`_  with version **=1.0.1** for the ``getIds`` method.

Basic usage
Create a Bitter with a Redis client (Predis as example):

.. code-block:: php

    $redisClient = new \Predis\Client();
    $bitter = new \FreeAgent\Bitter\Bitter($redisClient);

Mark user 123 as active and has played a song:

.. code-block:: php

        ->mark('active', 123)
        ->mark('song:played', 123)

**Note**: Please don't use huge ids (e.g. 2^32 or bigger) cause this will require large amounts of memory.

Pass a DateTime as third argument:

.. code-block:: php

    $bitter->mark('song:played', 123, new \DateTime('yesterday'));

Test if user 123 has played a song this week:

.. code-block:: php

    $currentWeek = new FreeAgent\Bitter\UnitOfTime\Week('song:played');

    if ($bitter->in(123, $currentWeek) {
        echo 'User with id 123 has played a song this week.';
    } else {
        echo 'User with id 123 has not played a song this week.';

How many users were active yesterday:

.. code-block:: php

    $yesterday = new \FreeAgent\Bitter\UnitOfTime\Day('active', new \DateTime('yesterday'));

    echo $bitter->count($yesterday) . ' users were active yesterday.';

Using BitOp
How many users that were active yesterday are also active today:

.. code-block:: php

    $today     = new \FreeAgent\Bitter\UnitOfTime\Day('active');
    $yesterday = new \FreeAgent\Bitter\UnitOfTime\Day('active', new \DateTime('yesterday'));

    $count = $bitter
        ->bitOpAnd('bit_op_example', $today, $yesterday)
    echo $count . ' users were active yesterday and today.';

**Note**: The ``bit_op_example`` key will expire after 60 seconds.

Test if user 123 was active yesterday and is active today:

.. code-block:: php

    $today     = new \FreeAgent\Bitter\UnitOfTime\Day('active');
    $yesterday = new \FreeAgent\Bitter\UnitOfTime\Day('active', new \DateTime('yesterday'));

    $active = $bitter
        ->bitOpAnd('bit_op_example', $today, $yesterday)
        ->in(123, 'bit_op_example')
    if ($active) {
        echo 'User with id 123 was active yesterday and today.';
    } else {
        echo 'User with id 123 was not active yesterday and today.';

**Note**: Please look at `Redis BITOP Command <>`_ for performance considerations.

Custom date period stats
How many users that were active during a given date period:

.. code-block:: php

    $from = new \DateTime('2010-14-02 20:15:30');
    $to   = new \DateTime('2012-21-12 13:30:45');

    $count = $bitter
        ->bitDateRange('active', 'active_period_example', $from, $to)
    echo $count . ' users were active from "2010-14-02 20:15:30" to "2012-21-12 13:30:45".';

Get Ids for a given key
Get Ids for a given date period:

.. code-block:: php

    $from = new \DateTime('2010-14-02 20:15:30');
    $to   = new \DateTime('2012-21-12 13:30:45');

    $ids = $bitter
        ->bitDateRange('active', 'active_period_example', $from, $to)
    echo 'Ids of users that were active from "2010-14-02 20:15:30" to "2012-21-12 13:30:45":';
    echo '<br />';
    echo implode(', ', $ids);

Unit Tests

You can run tests with:

.. code-block:: sh

    bin/atoum -d tests/units

Release notes

* Added a remove method to remove a specific temp key.
* Added a removeEvent method to remove all data of an event.
* Renamed Event to UnitOfTime in order to be more explicit.


* Added date period stats with bitDateRange method.

* Implements the `Redis BITOP NOT Command <>`_.

This library is a port of `bitmapist <>`_ (Python) by `Amir Salihefendic <>`_.