jeremymcrae / recessiveStats

repository for analysis of recessive genes
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recessiveStats: analysis of recessive variation

This package analyses genes suspected of having a recessive mode of inheritance. We test for enrichment of compound heterozygous variants in genes and similarity of suspected syndromes between probands. A combined test is calculated by incorporating results from testing for similarity of Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) terms among probands (see

Enrichment of recessive variants in genes

We identified probands with rare compound heterozygous variants in genes (where at least one of the compound het pair has a loss-of-function consequence), or rare homozygous loss-of-function variants. These variants were identified with Probands who had diagnoses were excluded from further analysis, as any additional recessive variants cannot contribute to their disorder. The numbers of probands in each of the functional categories were tallied for each gene. Only one proband per family per gene was permitted, so that the probands contributing to the tallies were independent evidence.

The numbers of probands were tallied in genes for two functional categories:

The baseline rate of rare LoF/LoF and rare LoF/Func variation was determined from two sources:

The frequency of rare (allele frequency < 0.01) loss-of-function and rare functional variants in each gene was calculated (gene coordinates were obtained from gencode v19). The frequencies of the variants in each gene for these classes were summed, to get an overall rate of rare functional and rare LoF variation for each gene.

The baseline rate of biallelic LoF events in a gene is the rate of rare LoF variation squared, whereas the baseline rate of LoF/Func is the rate of Lof variation multiplied by the sum of the rate of LoF variation and functional variation (LoF * (LoF + Func)).

The probability of getting more than or equal to the number of the observed inherited events in each class was estimated using a binomial model where n=number of families with undiagnosed probands and k=baseline rate of variation.


The package can be installed or updated using R 3.1.0 or greater with:

library(devtools) # if necessary install with install.packages("devtools")

# Alternatively, clone the repository, run R 3.1 from within the top level of
# the repository and use the devtools::build() to build the package for other R
# versions.
# load the package
cohort_n = 1000

hgnc = "DNAH14"
chrom = "1"
counts = list()
counts$biallelic_lof = 5
counts$biallelic_func = 10
counts$lof_func = 6

# define the variants in the control population, including allele counts
variants = read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
    chrom  pos   AC  AN    CQ
    1      1000  1   1000  missense_variant
    1      1000  5   1000  stop_gained
    1      1000  8   1000  stop_lost
    1      1000  20  1000  synonymous_variant")

analyse_inherited_enrichment(counts, variants, cohort_n)

# For ease of use, you can also load variant counts from ExAC with:
variants = get_exac_variants_for_gene(hgnc, chrom)

# The ExAC variants object should be a list of tables, one for each of the ExAC
# populations, e.g. 'AFR', 'EAS', 'NFE'. You'll need to pick the population that
# matches your cohort. For this example we'll use the 'NFE'.
analyse_inherited_enrichment(counts, variants[['NFE']], cohort_n)

# alternatively, provide your path to the ExAC VCF e.g.
variants = get_exac_variants_for_gene(hgnc, chrom, fileName='PATH_TO_VCF')

Rather than naming a gene, you can give a chromosome range (but define the gene symbol as NULL, otherwise all of the variants that don't match the gene symbol are removed):

variants = get_exac_variants_for_gene(hgnc=NULL, chrom='1', start=start, end=end)
analyse_inherited_enrichment(counts, variants[['NFE']], cohort_n)

# define your own MAF threshold for variant inclusion
analyse_inherited_enrichment(counts, variants[['NFE']], threshold=0.005, cohort_n)

You can also take the autozygosity into account. Calculate the proportion of probands who have an autozygous region overlapping the gene bcftools roh is recommended). Then you can include the rate as:

analyse_inherited_enrichment(counts, variants[['NFE']], cohort_n, autozygosity=RATE)

Also, if your probands are of multiple ethnicities, you can account for differences in allele frequencies between ethnicities by specifying the number of probands that would be classified as belonging to each ExAC population. For example:

cohort_n = list("AFR"=100, "EAS"=50, "NFE"=800, "SAS"=50)
analyse_inherited_enrichment(counts, variants, cohort_n)

The populations available in ExAC are:

code description
AFR African/African American
AMR American
EAS East Asian
FIN Finnish
NFE Non-Finnish European
OTH Other
SAS South Asian