jeremyschulman / slack-click

Click support for Slack-Bolt Applications
Apache License 2.0
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Click support for Slack Apps

As a Python Slack-Bolt application developer I want to create slash-command that are composed with the Python Click package. I use the FastAPI web framework in asyncio mode.

I need support for --help --version and any usage error to be properly sent as Slack messages.

Quick Start

Check out the example application.

Async Usage

The following example illustrates how to device a Click group object and bind it to the Slack-Bolt command listener. In this example the code is all asyncio. Click was not written to support async io natively, so the @click_async decorator is required.

By default the Developer should pass the Slack-Bolt request instance as the Click obj value when executing the Click group/command. There is a mechanism to change this behavior, shown in a later example.

import click
from slack_bolt.request.async_request import AsyncBoltRequest as Request
from slack_click.async_click import click_async, version_option, AsyncSlackClickGroup

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define a Click group handler for the Slack Slash-Command
# Notes:
#   @click_async decorator must be used for asyncio mode
#   @click.pass_obj inserts the click.Context obj into the callback parameters
#       By default the obj is the Slack-Bolt request instance; see the
#       @app.command code further down.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------"/clicker", cls=AsyncSlackClickGroup)
async def cli_click_group(request: Request):
    This is the Clicker /click command group
    say = request.context["say"]
    await say("`/click` command invoked without any commands or options.")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Register the command with Slack-Bolt
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

async def on_clicker(request: Request, ack, say):
    await ack()
    await say("Got it.")

    return await cli_click_group(, obj=request)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add a command the Click group
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

async def click_hello_command(request: Request):
    await request.context.say(f"Hi there <@{request.context.user_id}> :eyes:")

Identifying the Slack-Bolt Request

As a Developer you may need to pass the Click obj as something other than the bolt request direct, as shown in the example above. You can identify where the Slack-Bolt request object can be found in the obj by passing a callback function to the click.command() or function called slack_request. This parameter expects a function that takes the click obj and returns the slack request.

The example below uses an inline lambda to get the request from the obj as a dictionary, using a the key "here".

from random import randrange

import click
from slack_bolt.request.async_request import AsyncBoltRequest as Request
from slack_click.async_click import click_async, AsyncSlackClickCommand

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# /fuzzy command to manifest an anminal
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

animals = [":smile_cat:", ":hear_no_evil:", ":unicorn_face:"]

    name="/fuzzy", cls=AsyncSlackClickCommand, slack_request=lambda obj: obj["here"]
async def cli_fuzzy_command(obj: dict):
    request = obj["here"]
    say = request.context["say"]
    this_animal = animals[randrange(len(animals))]

    await say(f"Poof :magic_wand: {this_animal}")

async def on_fuzzy(request: Request, ack):
    await ack()
    return await cli_fuzzy_command(, obj={"here": request}

Customizing Help

If you want to change the Slack message format for help or usage methods you can subclass AsyncSlackCLickCommand or AsyncSlackClickGroup and overload the methods:
