jeremyschuurmans / roman-numeral-converter-project

This learning project will expand a roman numeral converter to be a command line tool and eventually an API endpoint.
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Roman Numeral Converter API Endpoint

Quick Start

  1. Clone this repo to your local environment.
  2. Make sure you have Ruby installed by running ruby -v
  3. Run bundle install to install required gems. If you don't have Bundler installed, you can install it with gem install bundler

Command Line Usage

Run ./bin/convert-roman passing in the roman numeral you would like to convert as an argument, like so:

./bin/convert-roman <numeral>

You can also add bin to your path with export PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH to make the tool available anywhere on your OS.

API Usage

To start your server, run rackup.

Once the server is running, you can curl localhost:9292 (or whichever port your server is using), or access in the browser. Specify the /convert route and pass in the numeral you want converted, like so: curl localhost:9292/convert?roman=XVIII

The server will then return the converted numeral in a JSON response.

    "value": 18