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The Underground City #24

Open DokimiCU opened 3 years ago

DokimiCU commented 3 years ago

The city is currently one of the biggest features that needs improvement. It lacks dynamism (e.g. surface has changing weather). It's grindy and repetitive.

The main roadblock I faced: The original code (geomoria etc) had the ability to add decorations. I could never get this to work. Fixing this will allow adding decorations (e.g dead bodies, loot), plus mobs inside structures (spawn eggs), and maybe some stuff to add dynamism??

Lore, and the kind of features that might belong down there: This is what I had in my head... The city is an ancient highly advanced civilization that destroyed itself. All the modern cultures of the world trace their ancestry to this city. So the question is... what happened? I never settled on an answer to that, and like the idea of keeping it ambiguous, but this is where I was heading... Some kind of failed transhumanist revolution took place. Everyone who didn't join in was massacred by the those who did join. Some people escaped, exiled from the city. Those who joined gained superhuman powers, but ultimately the technology failed - the city was destroyed... perhaps some still remain, husks, lurking in the dark... Possible features:

Anyway, that's where I would have taken it. You all may have other ideas. But this is an area that needs improving.

MisterE123 commented 3 years ago

for decorations, try just defining a decoration to spawn on a node that is only found in the city. I believe ( from my experience modding the nether) that decorations will be placed just with a normal minetest decoration definition. When I defined decorations in the nether and placed schematics, sometimes decorations even spawned on top of other decorations that placed nodes that the top decorations spawned on.

DokimiCU commented 2 years ago

Some more thoughts...

My biggest issue with the Undercity is the way loot works.

It's currently an gambling addict process of running around checking chests. It's an unhealthy and unpleasant kind of behavior that this creates. This feature is only in there because the original code had it, I needed something down there, and it gave me an excuse to add absolutely anything I wanted to the game.

This original loot chest feature was copied no doubt from the many games that have this feature - Exile should get away from cliches, especially harmful ones.

The aim of going into the undercity should be more fulfilling than merely grabbing loot. Indeed, I added the golden statues so you would face this dilemma: "why am I risking my life for pointless golden statues?" (I still grab them anyway!)

I wanted Undercity to be a place where you can wrestle with this kind of madness, compulsion, and greed, but then overcome rather than succumb to it. Currently it lacks the "overcoming".

Getting stuff out of the chests and making them decorate the city would be nice.

In general the rewards from playing Exile should intrinsic (creative expression, sense of accomplishment, discovery..) rather than extrinsic (high scores, access to items, leveling up ...)

DokimiCU commented 2 years ago

My inner sadist had an idea for a possible solution to the loot issue above.

Compulsive chest checking is a real-world unhealthy thing for the player to be doing. Currently the game rewards this unhealthy behavior. Anytime the player engages in real-world unhealthy actions the game could reflect that by also making their in-game character sick.

For undercity loot chests it might work like this...

The first time a chest is opened it risks triggering a health effect:

Something like this would make grindy loot checking into a high risk activity. You'd think twice about if you really need to open the chest. Undercity becomes about dealing with temptation, and taking sensible risks.

Shadow8472 commented 2 years ago

[The city] lacks dynamism.

Here are my thoughts. I already know some of them are bad.

Basically, I liked the vibe I got that the ancients were not all that different from us. They just built way bigger and had more toys until they collapsed.