jeremyshannon / Exile

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GNU General Public License v3.0
16 stars 12 forks source link


Created by Dokimi
for Minetest 5.4

CAUTION: Some people may find parts of this game difficult or disturbing.


Installation from the Minetest ContentDB is preferred; just add Exile from the in-game menu ≫ ContentBrowse online content ≫ search in the textbox ≫ click on the Install plus sign.

If extracting manually, Exile should be placed in the games folder of your user’s Minetest settings, like so:

Minetest > games > exile > mods/menu/.../etc.

Where Minetest is ~/.minetest in most Linux, and macOS configurations, ~/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest in Linux Flatpak, and %USERHOME%\Roaming\Minetest in most Windows versions.

Since 0.2.3, Exile requires naturalslopeslib (nsl). If you’re installing the source from git, you’ll need to install nsl as well. Extract it into the ./Exile/mods/ folder or use git pull --recurse submodules if you have cloned the repository.


Challenging, at times brutal, wilderness survival with simple technology. Use your wits to find food, water, and shelter before succumbing to the elements, while exploring the mysterious world, and developing your capacities to endure your exile.


Player health effects — Hypothermia, exhaustion, disease, …
Dynamic natural world — Seasonal weather, erosion, water flows through soil, …
Plausible building materials — Make shelters from the rain, kilns, smelters, …

World Settings

Valleys is the standard mapgen for Exile. Carpathian is also supported, for a somewhat more difficult and slower-paced game.

Flat mostly works, but Merki, and therefore the Glow Paint and Herbal Medicine made from it, will be unavailable. Enable it in game.conf if you’d like to try it anyway.

Gameplay Guide

Check out doc > walkthrough for a more detailed guide.

Many different strategies might work, and part of the fun is figuring out what does, and catastrophically does not, work. ⌣ ⌢

Here are some early steps you might pass though:

  1. Craft basic tools. Find a suitable camp site quickly before you get tired.
  2. Build a bed to rest in, plus shelter, and maybe fires for warmth.
  3. Weave rudimentary clothing and blankets to begin improving your rest rate.
  4. Make a kiln, and fire pots. Harvest wild foods from trees while you wait.
  5. Collect water with pots, and build up a freshwater supply, into a cistern if needed.
  6. Farm food plants, herbs, and fibrous canes to build up supplies.
  7. Explore and gather mineral resources for more advanced tools.

You start in spring. Maybe some pangs of winter linger, so beware the night. Enjoy the rains while you can. Soon the hot, dry weather of summer will arrive. Running out of water, or becoming exhausted from the heat, is a real risk. After that will come the sub-zero conditions of winter. Starvation and freezing are hard to avoid without preparation.

Some Tips and Tricks

Settings for Multiplayer

The variable time_speed defaults to 72, and at this rate a player who logs on at 8:00 AM every day will get a change in season every 2.5 days.

Changing speed to 60 will make days last 24 minutes and a new season every real-world day, but he will see the seasons in reverse. At time_speed of 96, days last only 15 minutes, but the player might see spring (year 1) on day 1, summer (year 2) on day 2, etc.

Set exile_hud_update to 1.0 second for multiplayer servers on the Internet; a LAN server can probably handle 0.2 seconds.

Mods for Multiplayer


Exile is open-source software — that means the game is as good as you choose to make it. It also means development can be erratic and haphazard at times, so be patient!

Exile is currently in “Alpha,” therefore you can expect that there may be bugs, missing features, performance issues, and perhaps compatibility-breaking updates. Despite this, Exile does have enough features to be a playable game and should be stable and mostly bug-free.

See the GitHub repository for known bugs, and to report new ones.


Gratitude is due to all those whose mods have been adapted for use in Exile (see ./mod/ folders for details).

Thanks also to all who have given feedback, fixes, etc.
A full, up-to-date list of contributors can be found on the GitHub repository, under the Insights tab.