Build Script for Latex-beamer based course handouts. This tool can be used to build "course handout books" using multiple LaTeX beamer slides sets.
Title page, introduction, table of contents
One chapter per slide set (three printer-friendly versions: no slides transitions & less colors)
The following files will be processed:
1. chap1.tex
2. chap2.tex
3. chap3.tex
4. chap4.tex
5. chap5.tex
6. chap6.tex
7. chap7.tex
8. chap8.tex
9. ExampleHandoutsBook.tex
1/43 pdflatex chap1
2/43 pdflatex chap1
3/43 pdfjam-slides6up chap1.pdf --nup 2x3 --suffix 6pp -q
4/43 mv chap1.pdf ../Handouts
5/43 mv chap1-6pp.pdf ../Handouts
6/43 pdflatex chap2
7/43 pdflatex chap2
8/43 pdfjam-slides6up chap2.pdf --nup 2x3 --suffix 6pp -q
9/43 mv chap2.pdf ../Handouts
10/43 mv chap2-6pp.pdf ../Handouts
36/43 pdflatex chap8
37/43 pdflatex chap8
38/43 pdfjam-slides6up chap8.pdf --nup 2x3 --suffix 6pp -q
39/43 mv chap8.pdf ../Handouts
40/43 mv chap8-6pp.pdf ../Handouts
41/43 pdflatex ExampleHandoutsBook
42/43 pdflatex ExampleHandoutsBook
Output written to:
Build took 42 seconds