jeromeetienne / threejs-inspector

chrome devtool extension to debug three.js
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Three.js Inspector

three.js inspector is an extension for chrome devtool. It allows you to inspect the three.js scene in a web page. You can install three.js Inspector from chrome webstore.

It is a fork from WebGL GLSL Shader Editor Extension for Google Chrome by the excelent @thespite. Check it out!

How to be sure the extension find your scene

YES we are looking for a better way to do it :)

How to install three.js inspector locally

You can install the extensions directly from the chrome store

three.js inspector chrome extension

copy the repo files to your computer and launch the extension as a developer. Follow those steps:

History 1.9.12

History 1.9.10

History 1.9.8

History 1.9.6

History 1.9.0

This version is all about a total refactor of the devtools <-> extension part.

the previous version was copied and was quite messy. It had race-conditions issues during the start. So the extension would not start on some computers.

i rewrote the whole devtool <-> extension. It is quite a chalenge in itself :) more details at .

To give you an idea,

Yeah definitly, to code a devtools extension could be simpler. i hope this version will be more manageable. Dont hesitate to report any issue on github.

History 1.2.9

History 1.2.8

History 1.2.7

History 1.2.5

How To Release