jeromeetienne / threex.webar

three.js extensions for Augmented Reality
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Augmented Reality For the Web

threex.webar shows how to get augmented reality using only web technologies. It is a threex extension for three.js. It provides easy to use extension to experiment with augmented reality and three.js. I did a presentation about it. You can find the slides here.

As an example, you can checkout "Hatsunemiku Dancing in Augmented Reality" demo. It is a funny application of threex.webar

A Screenshot


How To Install It

You can install it via script tag

<script src='threex.jsarucomarker.js'></script>
<script src='threex.webcamgrabbing.js'></script>

Or you can install with bower, as you wish.

bower install threex.webar

How To Run The Demo ?

Supported Devices

Show Don't Tell

How To Use It


It recognizes the marker in a video stream. It is then positioned in 3d. You just have to apply that to your own three.js meshes.


It handles the video grabbing. It will take the environment camera if it is available. It provides a nice see-through effect.