jerous86 / nimqt

Qt bindings for nim
GNU General Public License v2.0
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troubles with nimqt #33

Closed grd closed 10 months ago

grd commented 10 months ago

Hi, I am using VSCode to write (and it works rather well) but I have to say that IMO your library is rather complicated to understand. For instance when I run the code with nim cpp -r import_file.nim in it can't find the connections.

Is there also a different platform to discuss this kind of issues instead of writing new issues in github?

Best regards, Gerard

jerous86 commented 10 months ago

The library tries to map closely to Qt. The possible deviations are there probably due to the fact that there is a lot of custom c++ generated behind the scenes, which make it sometimes difficult to do otherwise. Feel free to suggest improvements.

Regarding your issue. E.g. connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL "accepted()", rootWg, SLOT "apply_file()") tries to connect to a slot apply_file for the object rootWg (of type ptr QDialog). However, there is no slot apply_file defined for rootWg -- you defined it to be just a proc. To define a slot, you need to define your own object, which inherits from e.g. QObject, and then you'll have to define slots within that object. (This is just like in Qt.) You can check examples/hello.nim for a basic example.

I see there is a tab called "Discussions", maybe you can use that to discuss these issues?

grd commented 10 months ago

No sorry, I don't have any improvements. I come from the Python front, but I dislike Python, mostly because of the lack of types but Python has many more serious issues and I dislike C++ a lot more because of its verbosity and its complicated history.

I already figured out a lot because I read the examples and other pieces of the library code too.

Anyway thanks for the reply! I am closing the issue now.