jerous86 / nimqt

Qt bindings for nim
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Loading a ".ui" file doesn't load the "real" file #5

Closed grd closed 1 year ago

grd commented 1 year ago

You can try it with simply replacing the text string in load_ui.nim.

For instance I wrote the following line rootWg.loadUi(curFileDir/"edit_item.ui", createConnections=true) and it loads the same "load_ui_example.ui" as with the original version. This why I said that it appears to look into the history.

jerous86 commented 1 year ago

Do you get the same behaviour with the script below? It runs following programs

  1. the normal program
  2. the normal program in which only load_ui_example.ui is replaced with foo.ui
  3. the program from 2, but now we have copied first load_ui_example.ui to foo.ui.

I think 1. and 2. describe the steps that you wrote, right? For me I get first the regular example, then a new form, and then the first one shows again. What is your output? Am I understanding you still wrongly?

# pwd
$HOME/nimqt-github/ # we're at the root of the repo

# cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash

mkdir -p tmp/issue-5/

cp examples/load_ui_example.ui tmp/issue-5/
cat <<- EOF > tmp/issue-5/foo.ui
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ui version="4.0">
    <widget class="QWidget" name="Form">
        <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
            <item row="0" column="0" colspan="2"> <widget class="QPushButton" name="btnEnable"> </widget> </item>
            <item row="1" column="0" colspan="2"> <widget class="QPushButton" name="btnUndo"> </widget> </item>
            <item row="2" column="0" colspan="2"> <widget class="QPushButton" name="btnRedo"> </widget> </item>

cp examples/load_ui.nim tmp/issue-5/load_ui.nim
nim cpp --path:qt/6.4.1_minimal/ -r tmp/issue-5/load_ui.nim

sed 's/load_ui_example.ui/foo.ui/g' examples/load_ui.nim > tmp/issue-5/load_ui.nim
nim cpp -f --path:qt/6.4.1_minimal/ -r tmp/issue-5/load_ui.nim

cp load_ui_example.nim foo.ui
nim cpp -f --path:qt/6.4.1_minimal/ -r tmp/issue-5/load_ui.nim

# bash
grd commented 1 year ago

I think that I know what is wrong. This is the answer that I got from compiling after copying my other ui file to load_ui_example.ui

/home/user/nimqt/examples/load_ui.nim(4, 13) Error: cannot open file: nimqt/qdialog

And that is because in my other ui file (I looked inside it) is stated: <widget class="QDialog" name="Dialog"> and yours is with <widget class="QWidget" name="Form">

So... it is clever enough to fool me ;-)

And I think that I am wrong into thinking that it looked into historical data. I think that the solution lies into creating a loadUi() proc for QDialog in the form of

var rootDia: ptr QDialog
rootDia.loadUi(curFileDir/"load_ui_example.ui", createConnections=true)

Edit: Btw, why don't you rename init() into initQt() then you don't need to add nimqt.init() but only initQt()

jerous86 commented 1 year ago

I thought I had added the qdialog class :) I just pushed a commit which should have it.

Still don't understand exactly about the historical data, but I assume that is fixed now? You can skip btw the createConnections=true -- its default value is true.

You can also just call init, but in this case I prefer to just add the module prefix.

grd commented 1 year ago

Still don't understand exactly about the historical data, but I assume that is fixed now?

I understand now that is because it just didn't compile and when I ran the program it just shows the old file. Sorry, my mistake.

grd commented 1 year ago

It is still not working correctly. I pulled out your github and I changed your program with this:

import os

import nimqt
import nimqt/[load_ui, qdialog]

let app = newQApplication(commandLineParams())

# We use `curFileDir`, defined in nimqt/load_ui to get the directory of *this* file.
# loadUi works best with absolute paths.
var rootWg: ptr Qdialog
rootWg.loadUi(curFileDir/"load_ui_example.ui", createConnections=true)
discard app.exec()

And the error is still the same.

jerous86 commented 1 year ago

Changing var rootWg: ptr Qdialog to var rootWg: ptr QWidget makes it work for me.

I'll figure out later a way to get the correct type and make it work with the correct type.

grd commented 1 year ago

Then I am gonna close this. Thanks!

jerous86 commented 1 year ago

Should be fixed!

grd commented 1 year ago

I created a couple of empty dialogs/windows/widgets to work with. They don't compile ATM.


jerous86 commented 1 year ago

Can you maybe also add the nim code used to test it? Some ui files just worked for me. What compilation errors do you get?

I added the QDialogButtonBox module, which should fix some ui files, I think.

grd commented 1 year ago

It is only a reference. I got some errors too. QDialogButtonBox is important indeed 😉

I can make the test files, should I put every widget inside? Does that work?

But it's gonna be tomorrow because I am tired ;)

Edit: Stupid. I have the designer and can make a list of the things that are missing.

jerous86 commented 1 year ago

I prefer examples where I can just run nim cpp --path:qt/6.4.1_minimal $(your_file).nim So preferably, there would be one .nim file for each .ui file (but the .ui file can indeed contain all necessary widgets) :)

grd commented 1 year ago

Sorry to be so late but I did have some personal issues that I needed to solve.

I tried to open a couple of complex files and they all didn't load. The files are from FreeCAD and this is the link to the ".ui" files from the Arch WB:

From loading nim cpp --run preferences-arch.nim

I got this error: /home/user/.nimble/pkgs/nimqt-0.1/nimqt/load_ui.nim(57, 25) Error: cannot open file: nimqt/qdoublespinbox [ui.tar.gz

ui.tar.gz ](

But unfortunately I got a lot more errors.

jerous86 commented 1 year ago

Will take a look at them one of the days!

grd commented 1 year ago

These are only examples, but I think that they are pretty good.

jerous86 commented 1 year ago

If you do a pull, I think you should be able to load the examples. I added most of the QWidget classes, and the ui-loader now also replaces customwidgets with their base class. This will cause a loss of functionality, but it will at least show the form :)

When you do update, you might have to change some paths, as I updated Qt to 6.4.2 and changed the distribution from "minimal" to "gui_widgets".

grd commented 1 year ago

Thanks! Now it works!