jerrykuku / luci-theme-argon

Argon is a clean and tidy OpenWrt LuCI theme that allows users to customize their login interface with images or videos. It also supports automatic and manual switching between light and dark modes.
Apache License 2.0
3.84k stars 772 forks source link
lede luci openwrt theme
# A brand new OpenWrt LuCI theme Argon is **a clean and tidy OpenWrt LuCI theme** that allows
users to customize their login interface with images or videos. It also supports automatic and manual switching between light and dark modes. [![license][license-badge]][license] [![prs][prs-badge]][prs] [![issues][issues-badge]][issues] [![release][release-badge]][release] [![download][download-badge]][download] [![contact][contact-badge]][contact] **English** | [简体中文][zh-cn-link] [Key Features](#key-features) • [Branch](#branch-introduction) • [Version History](#version-history) • [Getting started](#getting-started) • [Screenshots](#screenshots) • [Contributors](#contributors) • [Credits](#credits)

Key Features

Branch Introduction

There are currently two main branches that are adapted to different versions of the OpenWrt source code.
The table below will provide a detailed introduction:

Branch Version Description Matching source
master v2.x.x Support the latest version of LuCI Official OpenWrtImmortalWrt
18.06 v1.x.x Support the 18.06 version of LuCI Lean's LEDE

Version History

The latest version is v2.3.1 Click here to view the full version history record.

Getting started

Build for Lean's LEDE project

cd lede/package/lean
rm -rf luci-theme-argon
git clone -b 18.06 luci-theme-argon
make menuconfig #choose LUCI->Theme->Luci-theme-argon
make -j1 V=s

Build for OpenWrt official SnapShots and ImmortalWrt

cd openwrt/package
git clone
make menuconfig #choose LUCI->Theme->Luci-theme-argon
make -j1 V=s

Install for LuCI 18.06 ( Lean's LEDE )

wget --no-check-certificate
opkg install luci-theme-argon*.ipk

Install for OpenWrt official SnapShots and ImmortalWrt

opkg install luci-compat
opkg install luci-lib-ipkg
wget --no-check-certificate
opkg install luci-theme-argon*.ipk

Install luci-app-argon-config

wget --no-check-certificate
opkg install luci-app-argon-config*.ipk



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