jerson / react-native-fast-rsa

RSA for react native made with golang for fast performance
MIT License
36 stars 11 forks source link
android autolink crypt fast ffi flatbuffers golang ios jsi jwk oaep pkcs15 pss react react-native rsa xcode


Android iOS

Getting started

$ npm install react-native-fast-rsa --save


If you want to use with JSI instead of NativeModules you need to set

import RSA from "react-native-fast-rsa";

RSA.useJSI = true;

if you need to use generate methods it is a good idea to disable it, because for now JSI will block your UI but it is faster compared to NativeModules


export interface PCKS12KeyPair {
  publicKey: string;
  privateKey: string;
  certificate: string;
export interface KeyPair {
  publicKey: string;
  privateKey: string;

export enum Hash {
  MD5 = 0,
  SHA1 = 1,
  SHA224 = 2,
  SHA256 = 3,
  SHA384 = 4,
  SHA512 = 5,

export enum PEMCipher {
  DES = 0,
  D3DES = 1,
  AES128 = 2,
  AES192 = 3,
  AES256 = 4,

export enum SaltLength {
  AUTO = 0,

class RSA {
  static convertJWKToPrivateKey(data: any, keyId: string): Promise<string>
  static convertJWKToPublicKey(data: any, keyId: string): Promise<string>

  static convertKeyPairToPKCS12(privateKey: string, certificate: string, password: string): Promise<string>
  static convertPKCS12ToKeyPair(pkcs12: string, password: string,): Promise<PCKS12KeyPair>

  static convertPrivateKeyToPKCS8(privateKey: string,): Promise<string>
  static convertPrivateKeyToPKCS1(privateKey: string): Promise<string>
  static convertPrivateKeyToJWK(privateKey: string): Promise<any>
  static convertPrivateKeyToPublicKey(privateKey: string): Promise<string>

  static convertPublicKeyToPKIX(publicKey: string): Promise<string>
  static convertPublicKeyToPKCS1(publicKey: string): Promise<string>
  static convertPublicKeyToJWK(publicKey: string): Promise<any>

  static decryptPrivateKey(privateKeyEncrypted: string, password: string,): Promise<string>
  static encryptPrivateKey(privateKey: string, password: string, cipherName: Cipher): Promise<string>

  static decryptOAEP(message: string, label: string, hashName: Hash, privateKey: string): Promise<string>
  static decryptPKCS1v15(message: string, privateKey: string,): Promise<string>

  static encryptOAEP(message: string,label: string, hashName: Hash, publicKey: string): Promise<string>
  static encryptPKCS1v15(message: string, publicKey: string): Promise<string>

  static signPSS(message: string, hashName: Hash, saltLengthName: SaltLength, privateKey: string): Promise<string>
  static signPKCS1v15(message: string, hashName: Hash, privateKey: string): Promise<string>

  static verifyPSS(signature: string, message: string, hashName: Hash, saltLengthName: SaltLength, publicKey: string): Promise<boolean>
  static verifyPKCS1v15(signature: string, message: string, hashName: Hash, publicKey: string): Promise<boolean>

  static hash(message: string, name: Hash): Promise<string>
  static base64(message: string): Promise<string>

  static generate(bits: number): Promise<KeyPair>

Native Code

the native library is made in Golang for faster performance


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
